Linguagens, Códigos e suas
Tecnologias –Inglês
Ensino Médio, Série 1ª Série
Simple Past/Regular Forms
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
What kind of text is it?
How do you know?
Tarsila do Amaral
1916-Studied sculpture in São Paulo.
1917- Took painting and drawing classes with Pedro
Alexandrino; met Anita Mafaltti.
1920-Went to Paris.
1922- Returned to São Paulo and formed the Grupo
dos Cinco(Group of Five) with Anita Mafaltti, Mário de
Andrade, Menotti del Picchia, and Oswald de
1924- Accompanied the poet Blaise Cendras on a
journey to he historic cities of Minas Gerais with
Mário de Andrade, Oswald de Andrade, and others
Imagem: Tarsila do Amaral / Manteau Rouge,
1923 / Col. Museu Nacional de Belas Artes, RJ /
Disponível em:
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
1924/1925- Initiade the Pau-Brasil phase, in which she painted national themes.
1925-Ilustrated a book of poems, Pau-Brasil, by Oswald de Andrade.
1928- Painted most famous canvas Abaporu, which inspired the Movimento
Antropofágico(Anthropophagy Movement), launched by Oswald de Andrade and Raul
1933- Traveled to the Soviet Union and began a phase on social themes, with the
works Operations(Workers) and Segunda Classe (Second Class).
1936- Started write na art column for Diário de São Paulo newspaper.
1954- Painted the panel Procissão do Santíssimo( Procession of the most Holy).
1956- Delivered O Batizado de Macunaíma(The Baptism of Macunaíma) to a
This painting is about the work of Mário de Andrade (2).
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
Thinking about the text
-Quem foi Tarsila do Amaral?
-Quais suas principais obras?
-Tarsila do Amaral pertence a qual movimento da Literatura Brasileira?
- O que ela quis retratar em uma de suas obras mais conhecidas, “Abaporu”?
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
1- Match the columns according to the text.
a. Tarsila do Amaral was born...
) France.
b. Anita Malfatti met...
) Grupo dos Cinco.
c. In 1920,Tarsila traveled to...
) in a small town in São Paulo state.
d. Mário de Andrade was part of the... (
) Tarsila in 1917.
e. In 1933,Tarsila do Amaral...
) illustrated by Tarsila do Amaral.
) began a phase on social themes.
f. Oswald de Andrade had one of
his book...
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
2- Find the statement that is not true.
Tarsila do Amaral...
) was in Europe in 1921.
) participated in the Grupo dos Cinco.
) painted her most famous Canvas in 1928.
) had a newspaper column in the Diário de São Paulo in 1936.
) wrote a book called Pau-Brasil with will Oswald de Andrade.
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
A Biografia é um gênero literário, cujo termo é derivado de “bio” que significa
vida, e “grafia” que significa escrever ou descrever. É um gênero que objetiva
descrever a vida de uma pessoa notável, em vários setores da sociedade.
“De alguma forma, cada
um é herói da sua jornada
e todo herói merece ter
sua história contada.”
(autor desconhecido)
Somehow, each is a hero of his journey and every
hero deserves to have his story told.
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
Obras de Tarsila do Amaral
Abaporu -1928
Imagem: Tarsila do Amaral / Abaporu, 1928 / Arcevo de Eduardo Constantini /
Disponível em:
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
Imagem: Tarsila do Amaral / Antropofagia, 1928 / Acervo Fundação José
e Paulina Nemirovsky (São Paulo, SP) / Disponível em:
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
Look at two Tarsila’s most important paintings and answer the questions in
1- Abaporu
2- Antropofagia
a) What are the similarities between the two paintings?
b) What social class do you infer these people are from?
c) Why do you believe that?
Imagens (esq. p/ dir.): a)Tarsila do Amaral / Antropofagia, 1928 / Acervo Fundação José e Paulina Nemirovsky (São Paulo, SP) / Disponível em:; b) Tarsila
do Amaral / Antropofagia, 1928 / Acervo Fundação José e Paulina Nemirovsky (São Paulo, SP) / Disponível em:
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
Observe this biography:
Miguel de Cervantes
1547- Was born (Spanish)
1569- Moved (Italy)
1584- Married with Catalina.
1605- Published Don Quixote (Part I).
1615- Published Don Quixote ( Part II)
1616- Died.
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
Regra geral: verbo no infinitivo sem a partícula to + ed.
work- worked
Casos especiais:
. Em verbos que terminam em e, acrescenta-se d.
like- liked
decide- decided
dance- danced
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
Em verbos que terminam em y, precedido de consoante, elimina-se o y e
acrescenta-se ied.
study- studied
marry- married
carry- carried
Em verbos que terminam em consoante + vogal+ consoante cuja sílaba tônica é
a última, dobra-se a última consoante e acrescenta-se ed.
stop- stopped
permit- permitted
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
Affirmative form
Tarsila do Amaral initiated her Pau-Brasil phase.
Interrogative form
Did artists organize the art exhibition?
Usa-se did e o verbo volta à sua forma de infinitivo.
Negative form
Tarsila didn’t paint O Nascimento de Macunaíma.
Usa-se didn’t ( ou did not) e o verbo volta à sua forma de infinitivo.
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
Affimative form
I worked last week
You worked last week
He worked last week
She worked last week
It worked last week
We worked last week
You worked last week
They worked last week
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
Exemplo com o verbo to work (trabalhar)
Interrogative form
Did I work?
Did you work?
Did he work?
Did it work?
Did we work?
Did you work?
Did they work?
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
Negative form (2)
I did not work ( I didn’t work)
You did not work ( You didn’t work)
He did not work ( He didn’t work)
She did not work ( She didn’t work)
It did not work (It didn’t work)
We did not work (We didn’t work)
You did not work ( You didn’t work)
They did not work ( They didn’t work)
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
Additional Practice
1- “[...] As an artist, Salvador Dalí was not __________ to a particular stle or
media.The body of his work, from early impressionist paintings through his
transitional surrealist works, and into his classical period, reveals a constantly
growing and evolving artist. Dalí_________in all media, leaving behind a wealth
of oils, watercolors, drawings,graphics,scultures,films,photographs,performance
pieces,jewels,and objects of all descriptions (3) [...]”
A (
) limited –work
b) (
) limited- worked
c) (
) limit- worked
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
2- Born in São Paulo, Felipe Massa began karting when he____________
8 years old, finishing in 1998_________into Formula Chevrolet, finishing the
Brazilian championship in fifth place.
a) (
) continue-move
b) (
) continued-move
c) (
) continued-moved
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
3-Communicative activity
Ask your partner what he/she did yesterday and write down his/ her answers.
Did you...yesterday?
Yes, I did.
No, I didn’t.
Wake up early
Have breakfast
Do homework
Get to school early
Have lunch at school
Use the computer
Play any sports
What time? When? Where? What? Why?
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
4- Use the appropriate verb from the box to fill in the blanks. Use the simple past
in the negative form and then in the affirmative form.
travel- arrive -watch – study –help
a) I__________English last night. I___________Portuguese.
b) We _________the teacher this morning. We__________the principal.
c) Michael_________the talk show yesterday. He_________a movie.
d) Mrs.Williams__________to Los Angeles. She_________to Chicago.
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
5-Complete the dialogs using the verbs in parentheses in the simple past.
a) _______you _______TV today? ( watch)
No, I didn’t. I________all day.(work)
b)________you _______your daughter in the United States? (call)
Yes, I did. I________to her at around eleven o´clock this morning. (talk)
c) What time______they _______their schedule? (check)
They________it at about there o´clock.(check)
d) _______they _______about the price of this computer? (complain)
Yes, they did. They ________it. (like)
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
Language in Action
E faça uma viagem à vida de Tarsila do Amaral.
Língua Inglesa, Série 1ª
Simple Past/regular forms
• Referências bibliográficas
MARQUES, Amadeu,On Stage: Ensino Médio.São Paulo: ÁTICA,2010.
UPGRADE.Richmond Educação.São Paulo:Richmond,1ª edição,2010.
Tabela de Imagens
Tarsila do Amaral / Manteau Rouge, 1923 / 13/04/2012
Col. Museu Nacional de Belas Artes, RJ /
ga/index_frame.htm /
Disponível em: ga/images/JPG/manteau_rouge.jpg
8 / 10a Tarsila do Amaral / Abaporu, 1928 / Arcevo de 13/04/2012
Eduardo Constantini / Disponível em:
9 /10b Tarsila do Amaral / Antropofagia, 1928 / 13/04/2012
Acervo Fundação José e Paulina Nemirovsky
(São Paulo, SP) / Disponível em:
as&cd_verbete=74&cd_item=999&cd_idioma=2 8555

Simple Past/Regular Forms