“Snow White”, “Off With Their Heads” and “Hotel Hotel”
2.º-3.º ciclos e secundário
No passado dia 12
de janeiro, no auditório da escola,
representadas pela Avalon
Theatre Company,
três peças de teatro, para os alunos
dos 2.º, 3.º ciclo e
secundário: “Snow
White”, “Off With
Their Heads” e
“Hotel Hotel”, respetivamente.
Estas peças de teatro interativas,
sempre tão ansiosamente esperadas pelos nossos alunos, mais
uma vez encantaram e deliciaram todo o auditório, ávido por
participar e mostrar que conseguia perceber o que os atores di-
ziam. Tal como em anos anteriores, os alunos foram convidados
a “entrar” no enredo da história,
quer assumindo personagens
importantes no desenrolar dos
acontecimentos, quer como público interventivo em relevantes
decisões a tomar para o rumo final da história.
Sendo este um dos
principais objetivos
e um dos aspetos
mais positivos e
destas peças de teatro
conseguem captar a
atenção da plateia,
desenvolver a capacidade de compreensão oral da língua inglesa
e entrar num mundo de fantasia
e diversão, tornando-as mais cómicas e engraçadas e muito mais
interessantes de visualizar.
We are really looking
forward to seeing them
acting again next year!
I think the school play was very
good and interesting. This year
I understood most of the story.
In my opinion it was a good experience because I have learnt
many things: new vocabulary
and something about English
history. My favourite part was
when one of the characters said
her name:”Toilet”. She was one
of the Queen’s servants. I had a
great time.
Sara Ribeiro, 8º D
In my opinion the play was nice
and interesting. I’ve learnt a lot.
The actors were very funny and
good professionals. It was very
well organised, the scenery was
very well painted. I liked it very
Alexandra Sousa, 8º D
In my opinion the theatre was
good because it was great fun
and I learnt much vocabulary.
I understood almost everything
because the actors used simple
vocabulary so that students could
understand the whole story.
“Off with their Heads”
I loved the play; it was fantastic and very funny too!
The part I enjoyed the most
was when the actress said her
name was “Toilet”, that was
great. The characters were
very realistic. It was great
to see that only two men and
two women could handle the
whole play. I think they have
made a very good job!!!
boring and that we can have
a great time watching and
learning. My favourite character was “Toilet”, in my
opinion she was great fun.
Ana Rodrigues, 8º D
Alexandra Costa, 7º D
I think the play was very funny. The characters were very
good and the actors were very
good professionals. I’ve learnt a
lot of English and I could also
practise it. My favourite character was “Toilet”, she was so funny that I couldn’t stop laughing.
It was a very good play.
Marina Silva, 7º D
I went to the theatre with my
class, we saw a play and it was
great because it was interesting.
The characters were “Queen
Elisabeth II” and “Toilet”. My
favourite character was the
Queen; she was lovely and also
an important person in England.
I really enjoyed going.
Maria Catarino, 7º D
The play was very nice, I liked it
very much. The character “Toilet” had an unusual name and
“Queen Elisabeth” was very demanding. She had two explorers
who were looking for gold and
diamonds. In the tropical forest,
the Indians were very ugly. The
women were very short but their
husbands were giants. I didn’t
like some parts but in the end
everything ended well.
Marta Estanqueiro, 7º D
I went to see a play; it was interesting and funny with very
original characters and story. I
enjoyed it a lot.
Bernardo Gameiro, 7º D
I liked the school play, I think it
was funny because it was interactive and also because I understood almost everything. It was
very creative and the characters
were great! They’ve shown that
the theatre doesn’t have to be
My favorite actors were the lady
whose character was the “Bunnybear” and the guy who acted
as the Hotel owner.
In general, the actors seem to
feel very comfortable on stage
and have a great capability of
improvising, which is needed in
order to interact with the public.
In my opinion, the company sure
has what it takes to make nice
plays just by using a small set
with simple lightening as well as
Inês Marto, 11º A
In my opinion the play was good
and interesting. I didn’t understand some words but I’ve learnt
many things about Queen Elisabeth and also new vocabulary. I
liked the characters because they
were very well dressed and they
spoke in such a way that I could
I liked the play, especially because the students had to “imitate” the actors, that part was really amusing. The play also helped
us to develop our English skills.
Sofia Vieira, 8º D
In my opinion the play was very
funny and interesting. My favourite character was Sir Francis
Drake because he was very funny
and he danced quite well. My favourite part of the play was when
my school friend Gonçalo went
on stage to be part of the play.
Tomás Bento, 8º D
Salomé Mamede, 8ºD
Telma Moreira, 8º D
This year, they improved some
aspects, like the movements on
stage. The volunteers from the
public who went on stage this
time also had a better English
than last year. The play was
more interactive too, as they had
to speak more.
Tommy, 8ºD
I really liked the play. It was very
interesting and fun. I had a great
time and I enjoyed the experience. In my opinion, the actors
were amazing and real professional. The play was fantastic
and I couldn’t take my eyes out
of it because they acted so well
and the characters were great. I
didn’t have a favourite part because I think the whole play was
nice. My favourite character was
“Toilet” because she was funny
and she made me laugh a lot. This
was one of the best plays that I’ve
ever seen and I couldn’t be happier or more pleased with it.
I liked the play because I had
the chance to learn new words
but I understood almost everything. In my opinion the
persons were very nice and
good professionals.
“Hotel Hotel” is the name of a
great play by Avalon Theatre
Company we got to see when
they came to act here at C.E.F.
It was my second time watching
one of their performances.
Edgar Catarino, 10º C
The play was fine because the
story was original although it
took place in only one place
which is a rare thing. Most plays
are boring but not this one.
André Rodrigues, 10º C
The play was good, I really liked
it. I understood the vocabulary,
the actors were very expressive,
the play was dynamic, funny and
the story was amazing. In my
opinion we should have more
activities like this one because
we really learn English and we
practise it too!
Ana Catarina, 10º C
I think the play was very dynamic, we could understand the
vocabulary and the lines. It was
funny and the interactive part was
interesting and amusing. I would
like to repeat the experience, I
believe we’ve all learnt a lot and
at the same time we felt “happy”.
The “Avalon Company” came to
our school to perform the “Hotel
Hotel” play and I think I speak
for everybody when I say that
we wish them to come back.
Marta Reis, 10º C
Continua na página seguinte
Inforcef – n. 65
“Avalon Theatre Company”
Alunos de Artes com
o passado
dia 9 de
as turmas de Artes
Visuais do CEF
deslocaram-se à
Municipal de Ourém
para ver a exposição dos alunos de
Oficina de Artes
do 12º ano e ouvir
o que estava “por
detrás” dos seus
quadros e das
suas escolhas. Os
quadros estiveram expostos de 28
de janeiro a 26 de fevereiro.
Esta foi a primeira exposição deste ano e, para muitos, o resultado
da primeira experiência na pintu-
ra a óleo.
O tema – “Autorretratos” – tinha a
particularidade de
os alunos estarem
com expressões
contorcidas e posições desconfortáveis. Em prática, um estudo do
corpo e da sua
flexibilidade nas
várias formas que
pode tomar, com
características e
elementos próprios da vida, personalidade e quotidiano dos alunos representados.
Ana Catarina Alves, 12.º H
Cada olhar...
um desafio
exposição mostra alguns trabalhos realizados na disciplina de
Educação Visual pelos alunos
do 9° ano ao longo do primeiro período, em que foram propostos os seguintes trabalhos:
• reprodução de uma árvore
cedida pela professora;
• representação de uma imagem escolhida pelos alunos
e o seu autorretrato.
Autorretrato de Sueli Moreira: representa o mundo e os gostos da artista.
The play was very funny. There
were a lot of comic situations
and the language was very
simple and easy to understand.
It was very smart to involve
students to make it funnier and
it was nice to watch our colleagues’ performance. The actors and actresses were amusing
and their accent was perfect. I
laughed to tears and the audience applauded most scenes
because they were really funny,
just brilliant! The performance
by the students was great too. I
liked it very much.
Joana Fartaria, 10º C
“Hotel Hotel” was a great play
with great actors. It was an interesting story about a hotel, its
guests and a presumed murder.
It was funny because the actors could communicate with
us, it was dynamic and they
were lucky to call funny people
from the audience to perform
with them. In the end there’s no
murder, just a big mistake and a
happy ending with romance too.
Everybody will tell that it was
good and funny.
abril de 2012
Beatriz Rodrigues, 10º C
Once again we had the opportunity to watch a play performed
by the amazing actors of the
Avalon Theatre Company. This
year the story was placed in an
English hotel where, at the same
time as an editor of a hotel guide
was there, one of the guests was
thought to be killed by the manager and his employee. During
all the play we felt we were in
a different place, outside school, where we tried to help the
manager hide the dead body, in
order to help him have a good
review of the hotel to attract
more guests.
As usual the actors interact with
all students but mainly with
some students chosen randomly.
This year we have to highlight
these students’ great performance. They played their parts
brilliantly and helped the play to
become funnier and even more
enjoyable. Congratulation to all
of them! The “true” actors also
made an exceptional performance, as we are used to.
9.º ANO
Exposição de trabalhos
No primeiro caso, utilizando
os vários grafismos, cada aluno procurou obter um trabalho
original, criativo e diversificado, progredindo tanto na
utilização dos lápis de grafite
como na técnica utilizada para
o desenho de objetos e realidades.
Na representação de uma imagem, desenhando partes dela,
foram percetíveis as variadas
tonalidades e grafismos, demonstrando também a perspetiva e a personalidade de cada
Finalmente, no autorretrato,
utilizando os diferentes lápis
de grafite, os alunos representavam-se para o papel e puseram em evidência o que mais
se destaca em si.
Ana Luzia Brás
e Carolina Mendes, 9.º B
Um desafio?
Cada olhar!
Cada olhar, diferente de outro olhar,
Cada olhar, uma viagem,
Cada olhar, um despertar,
Cada olhar, um todo,
Cada olhar, um pormenor,
Cada olhar, um sentimento,
Cada olhar, uma memória,
Cada olhar, uma saudade,
Cada olhar, um sentir,
Cada olhar, um artista,
Porque a Arte é, Cada olhar!
Prof.ª Lígia Carvalho
Educação Visual
nício do ano: pensamos
nos desafios que vamos
enfrentar e entramos de
“cachimónia”, mesmo de frente, para a “cena”. É altura de
comprarmos aqueles livros e
todos os lápis e canetas... de
todas as cores, para começarmos a escrever todas aquelas
lições e sumários, lições para
a vida...
Um dos melhores desafios é a
arte: aquela pintura que se faz
de papel e de gosto pelo trabalho, que por vezes nos leva
a ver o mundo de outra perspetiva, de outro prisma, com
outras cores e tons...
Para os alunos do 9.º ano o
gosto intensifica-se porque,
para muitos, é o último ano.
A Educação Visual é uma disciplina para a vida: aprender
a observar, a interpretar... é,
entre outras, a capacidade que
nos deve acompanhar ao longo
da nossa vivência.
A exposição na “Estufa” é um
dos exemplos de trabalhos esplêndidos, criados por alunos
que, além dos outros objetivos,
gostam também de ali ver reconhecido o seu empenho.
Em todas as paredes encontramos autênticas obras de arte
que, avaliando bem, parecem
de artistas já muito experientes
– desde o banco de papel até
ao sorriso das fotografias. É
uma exposição que vale bem a
pena visitar, e podemos garantir que vai gostar. Quem sabe
se não há um artista escondido
dentro de si?
Ana Lemos
e Carla Mendes, 9.º B
In a general way it was a great
play, with lots of funny moments, well written and performed and with an accessible
I would like to thank the actors
for coming to CEF but mainly I
would like to thank the English
teachers once again for giving
us this fantastic opportunity of
enjoying ourselves and improving our English as well.
Beatriz Lucas, 11º B
Um dos trabalhos (de Ruben Gomes, 9.º A) da Exposição patente no
espaço “Estufa” e, acima, um dos autoretratos.