WE - nós
YOU ALL– vocês (todos)
THEY – eles, elas
We need to sleep.
We don’t want ham.
OUR – nosso
YOUR – de vocês
THEIR – deles, delas
You all need to see.
You all work in the evening.
They like to study.
They need to work.
SOCCER (football)
HOME (houm)
TO BUY/ BOUGHT(bái)(bat) – comprar
I buy fish and meat. Do you buy ham at the store?
TO SELL/ SOLD – vender
I sell books.
Do you sell cars?
I understand Spanish.
I don’t understand you.
(has) TO HAVE/ HAD = got, got to “gotta” –
ter, ter que
I have a brother.
I have to work.
Adjectivos são rosas
NEW – novo
OLD – velho
BIG – grande
SMALL – pequeno
SOME – algum, alguns
WHAT – o quê, quê
WHERE – onde
WHEN – quando
THIS – this car, this book, this boy
THAT – that house, that store, that family
Qualificadores de Quantia são amarelos
HOW MUCH – quanto
HOW MANY – quantos
EVERYDAY – todos os dias
EVERY WEEK – toda semana
ON THE WEEKEND – no fim de semana
BUCK(bâc) – “pau” (dinheiro)
to “HAVE BREAKFAST” – tomar café da manhã
to “HAVE LUNCH” – almoçar
to “HAVE DINNER” – jantar
“YOU’RE WELCOME”- de nada
“SEE YOU LATER” (si ya leirar) – até mais tarde
“WHERE ARE YOU FROM?” – de onde você é?
GRAMMAR - MY – meu, minha (s)
YOUR - seu, sua (s)
HIS- seu, sua (s) / dele
HER – seu, sua (s) / dela
ITS – dele, dela (coisas, animais)
OUR (âr) – nosso, nossa (s)
YOUR – vosso, vossa (s) de vocês
THEIR – deles, delas
Qualidades em geral e o adjetivo,no inglês,sempre vem antes do substantivo.
BIG CAR – carro grande
OLD HOUSE – casa velha
SMALL GIRL – menina pequena
GOOD BOY - menino bom
1. WE need to work.
2. YOU ALL see the store.
_____want to sleep.
_______ work today.
_____have a car.
_______ have a friend.
_____sell fish.
_______ speak English.
3. THEY want some ham.
4. We want OUR lunch.
_______want some bread.
We like_____teacher.
_______need some fish.
We see_____mother.
_______speak some German.
We want_____money.
5. You all need YOUR books.
6. They like THEIR house.
You all need______cups.
They like_______mother.
You all need______friends.
They like_______sister.
You all need______home.
They like_______church.
7. I BUY fish.
8. We want to SELL our house.
I_____my books.
We need to______our car.
We don’ t______animals.
We like to______to you.
9. Do you UNDERSTAND English.
10. I HAVE a sister. (got)
I only_______________Spanish.
I_______a car.
Does he_______________you.
I_______a wife.
We don’ t_______________.
I_______a new son. (got)
11. I HAVE to work. (got)
I_________a car. (got)
I_________to go. (got)
I_________to sleep. (got)
12. I have a NEW home.
I have a_______car.
I have a_______friend.
I have a_______wife.
13. He likes OLD cars.
He likes______friends.
He likes______books.
He likes______homes.
14. Do you like BIG stores?
Do you like_______cups?
Do you like_______houses?
Do you like_______girls?
15. I want a SMALL tree.
I want a ________wife.
I want a_________house.
I want a_________glass.
16. I want SOME small trees.
I want______small glasses.
I want _____big cars.
I want______big books.
17. WHAT do you buy?
_______do you want?
_______do you need?
_______do you see?
18. WHERE do they work?
_______do they sleep?
_______do they play?
_______do they study?
19. WHEN do you have to work?
_______does she have to study?
_______do they have to sleep?
_______do I have to go?
20. When do you have to sell THIS car?
When do you have to sell_____house?
When do you have to sell_____bread?
When do you have to sell_____cheese?
21. I want to buy THAT book.
I want to buy______glass.
I want to buy_______house.
I want to buy________car.
23. Where do you want to HAVE DINNER?
Where does he want to______ ______?
Where do they want to______ ______?
Where do we want to______ _______?
22. When do we HAVE LUNCH?
When do we__________with Bob?
When do you want to_________?
Do you______ _______by yourself ?
24. I like to HAVE BREAKFAST.
I need to _______________.
I want to_______________.
I only________ _________.
1. I want to speak with the manager. He doesn’t work today.
2. Where do you want to go tomorrow ? I need to go to the school.
3. I need to speak with your husband today. He needs to go to Rio.
4. What do you want to eat now? I don’t want to have lunch now.
5. Do you want to sell your car? I need to buy a new car.
6. When do you like to sleep? I don’t like to sleep in the afternoon.
7. I need to buy some fish. I like to eat fish and drink wine.
8. Where do you need to go this weekend?
I want to go to the beach.
9. Do you have time to go with me to the store to buy some ham?
10. Do you need to drink water? I want a cup of tea, please.
11. I study French in the afternoon, and English in the evening.
12. I like to play with my children at the beach. We go on the weekend.
13. I want to work at the store with my brother. Do you want to work?
14. Do you go to the school by yourself, or with your sister?
15. Do you like to eat meat in the morning? I only eat bread cheese.

LS05 - networkingles