Course Design of Equipment
Academic year
Subject Sketching and Manual Rendering
ECTS Type of course Compulsory
Year 1
Semester 2st sem
Professor(s) Maurício Vieira
42. Student Workload:
Dominar a criação de fundos para enquadramento do objecto representado; Dominar a representação e as diferenças de contraste nos diversos planos. 43. REGIME DE ASSIDUIDADE Pelo carácter prático da Disciplina o aluno deverá ser assíduo não podendo faltar mais de 25% do número de aulas. O aluno com estatuto de trabalhador estudante poderá não estar presente na totalidade da aula ou mesmo em todas as aulas (não se aplicando a regra anterior de faltas), mas deverá tirar dúvidas com o professor sempre que possível. Não poderá contudo faltar às avaliações pontuais de trabalhos previamente marcados, nem às Frequências. 44. CONTATOS E HORÁRIO DE ATENDIMENTO Maurício Manuel Gonçalves Vieira Rua Ant Sérgio 49 2 dto 6300 Guarda 271213201 964087816 REGRAS DE AVALIAÇÃO Processo de avaliação contínua que contempla: Avaliação semanal através, da realização de um diário gráfico que inclui 20 esquiços/esboços a acordar com o aluno; Avaliação mensal dos trabalhos desenvolvidos nas aulas incluindo as pesquisas realizadas, a participação nas aulas por parte dos alunos e sua capacidade de justificação oral e escrita Avaliação final será o resultado das avaliações parcelares ao longo do semestre; P á g i n a | 4 GUIA DE FUNCIONAMENTO DA
Area/Group Coordinator Reinas André
or Head of Department
(delete as appropriate)
To know the grammar of design; To explore and interpret the potentialities of the Basic elements of visual language; To develop the potentialities of graphic expression from the observation and representation of models; PROGRAMME Theoretical: the visual perception and representation; The influence of perception in the ways of representing; Systems of representation; Levelling and accentuation ; The grammar of the design: Plan/Dot/ Line/ (spot) Graphic Characteristics Expressive potentialities Determiners of the quality of graphic elements Outline Design/ Gestural Design Study of the form Instruments and materials; Supports P á g i n a | 5 GUIA DE FUNCIONAMENTO DA
Practical Component: Introduction to graphic register, on free-­‐hand, of artificial forms; Exploration of designing materials; Exercises on representation of objects by using the line, the spot, the texture and the colour, concerning several points of view; Exercises of levelling and accent of natural and artificial forms; Exercises of observation and creative registers of natural forms, concerning several points of view.30. MAIN BIBLIOGRAPHY 31. Obras de carácter geral: 32. Lambert, S. (1985). El Dibujo, Técnica Y Su Utilidad. Madrid: Hermann Blume. 33. Panorama das diversas técnicas do desenho, documentadas com inúmeras ilustrações de várias épocas. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Molina, J. J. G. (1999). Estrategias Del Dibujo en el Arte Contemporáneo. Madrid: Cátedra. Várias abordagens do desenho de artistas do século XX, acompanhado de inúmeras ilustrações. Ruskin, J. (1991). The Elements of Drawing. Londres Abordagem prática do desenho no âmbito da observação e da representação, considerando igualmente os aspectos de cor e composição. Julian, F,(2005) Desenho para Designers Industrias, Ed. Estampa 39. TEACHING METHODOLOGIES (INCLUDING EVALUATION) The continuing evaluation in which the appointments of ponctual evaluation should be booked according to the developed work, and with the teacher and the students. The final evaluation of each work will be the adition of the ponctual evaluation with the same during the classes. P á g i n a | 6 GUIA DE FUNCIONAMENTO DA
The student who misses the ponctual evaluation can do it on the following classe, however the student will loose two values of the evaluation. The final evaluation called "Frequency" will be of 25% of the final evaluation and will consist on a theorical / practical exam or in a final or better presentation of all the proposed and made work during the semester. Exams: It's not possible to make the subject neither by exam nor by an extra application exam. So the student should develop, show and justify the practical works during the semester, even being a worker student. Classes characteristics and evaluation: -­‐Theorical explanations followed by the discussion of the proposed issues. Analysis in group of practical problems. -­‐ Practical indivual works -­‐ Continuing evaluation by developing practical works with the folowing level of importance: -­‐ Practical indivual works -­‐ Continuing evaluation by developing practical works with the folowing level of importance: Research 30%, Project 40%, Justification of options 30%. COHERENCE BETWEEN TEACHING METHODOLOGIES AND OBJECTIVES -­‐ To know the grammar of design; To explore and interpret the potentialities of the Basic elements of visual language; To develop the potentialities of graphic expression from the observation and representation of models; 43. ATTENDANCE Assiduity regime: P á g i n a | 7 GUIA DE FUNCIONAMENTO DA
By the pratical part of the subject, the student must assist the classes, so he can't miss more than 25% of the classes. The student with statute of worker student cannot be in all classes (so the previous rule is not applied). However, doubts should be taken with the professor when possible. Moreover the student must not miss both the ponctual evaluation of the previous appointed works, and the frequency of the all semester. 44. CONTACTS AND OFFICE HOURS Maurício Manuel Gonçalves Vieira Rua Ant Sérgio 49 2 dto 6300 Guarda 271213201 964087816 Date: Guarda, 01 de Fevereiro de 2014 PROFESSOR Maurício Vieira, Coordinator Head of Department , P á g i n a | 8 