Curriculum Vitae:
June 2006
Professor of Sociology, University Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro (IUPERJ1)
and Director of CERES2 (Center for the Study of Wealth and Social Stratification)
at IUPERJ (since march 2006).
2002 - Columbia University, in the City of New York, Ph.D., Sociology.
1999 - Columbia University, in the City of New York, M.A., Sociology.
1994 - University of Michigan, Quantitative Methodology.
1993 - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, M.A., Anthropology and Sociology.
1989 - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, B.A., Social Sciences.
POSITION (consulting, teaching and research)
1994-2006 – Associate Professor of Sociology. State University of Rio de Janeiro.
[Tenured since 2002]
2002-2003 – Research Fellow, Center for the Study of Wealth and Inequality, Columbia
2003-2006 – Fellowship of Scientific Productivity for Young Scholars, CNPQ - Brazilian
National Science Foundation.
2003-2003 – Consultant to the World Bank, Research on the Brazilian Index of Human
2002-2003 – Professor of Categorical Data Analysis, Winter School of Quantitative
Methodology in the Social Sciences, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).
2003-2003 – Invited Professor, Department of Political Sciences, University Research Institute
of Rio de Janeiro (IUPERJ). Candido Mendes University.
1992-1994 – Adjunct Professor of Sociology. State University of Rio de Janeiro.
1995 -1995 - Consultant - World Bank. “Municipal Capability - Ceará/Northeast/Brazil".
1994-1995 – Researcher at “Núcleo de Pesquisas do Instituto Superior de Estudos Religiosos”
[Research Division of Institute for Studies on Religion] (ISER - NGO). Research on Violence
and Criminality at Rio de Janeiro city.
1993-1994 – Adjunct Professor of Sociology. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
1992-1992 – Adjunct Professor. Cândido Mendes University.
[Name]; Estrutura de Classes e Mobilidade Social no Brasil [Class Structure and Social
Mobility in Brazil]. São Paulo: EDUSC. (book to be published this year)
[Name]; Classe e Gênero no Brasil Contemporâneo: mobilidade social, casamento e divisão
do trabalho doméstico [Gender and Class in Contemporary Brazil: Social Mobility,
Marriage and Division of Domestic Labor]. In: Scalon, Celi e Araujo, Clara. Gênero,
família e trabalho no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: FGV Ed. (book chapter)
[Name]; A Raça da Classe e suas Desvantagens (raça, classe e mobilidade social) [Race,
Class and Social Mobility]. Insight Inteligência, no 29. 2005.
[Name]; SCALON, Maria Celi; Desigualdade de Oportunidades no Brasil. [Inequality of
Opportunity in Brazil] In. Tafner, Paulo e Rezende, Fernando. Brasil: o estado de uma
nação. Brasília: IPEA. (research report for governmental publication, 100 pages)
[Name]; Desigualdade de Oportunidades no Mercado de Trabalho Brasileiro (1973 a 1996).
[Inequality of Opportunity in the Brazilian Labor Market (1973 to 1996). (monograph)
[Name]; Mobilidade Social Passada e Futura: Correlações com Opiniões Políticas,
Percepções sobre Conflito e sobre Chances de Vida. [Past and Future Social Mobility]
In: SCALON, Celi. (Ed.) Imagens da desigualdade. Belo Horizonte: Ed. UFMG.
(book chapter)
[Name]; Social Mobility Trends in Brazil. In: KINZO, Maria D´Alva. (Ed.) Fifteen Years of
Democracy in Brazil. 2003. University of London Press. (book chapter)
[Name]; Desigualdade de Renda, Pobreza e Estrutura Ocupacional nas Regiões
Metropolitanas do Brasil. [Income Inequality, Poverty and Ocupational Structure in
Metropolitan Áreas of Brazil] In: CARDOSO, Adalberto. (Ed.) O Índice de
Desenvolvimento Humano das Cidades Brasileiras. 2003. World Bank. (book chapter)
[Name]; Estrutura de Classes, Condições de Vida, e Oportunidades de Mobilidade Social no
Brasil. [Class Structure, Living Conditions and Opportunities of Social Mobility in
Brazil] In: HASENBALG, Carlos(Ed.) Origens e Destinos. 2002. Rio de Janeiro,
Topbooks. (book chapter)
[Name]; SCALON, Maria Celi. Mobilidade social no Brasil em perspectiva comparada.
[Social Mobility in Brazil in Comparative Perspective] Dados - Revista de Ciências
Sociais. ( (journal paper)
[Name]; Dois Estudos de Mobilidade Social no Brasil. [Two Studies of Social Mobility in
Brazil] Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, 2000. (journal paper)
[Name]; As práticas judiciais e o significado do processo de julgamento. [Judicial Practice
and the Meaning of Sentencing] Dados – Revista de Ciências Sociais, Rio de Janeiro,
v. 42, n. 4. ( (journal
[Name]; Cor e Criminalidade – Estudo e Analise da Justiça no Rio de Janeiro (1900-1930).
[Skin Collor and Criminality in Brazil (1900-1930] Editora da UFRJ. (book)
[Name]; SOARES, Luis Eduardo. Os Homicídios no Rio de Janeiro, 1992. [Homicides in
Rio de Janeiro, 1992] In: SOARES, Luis Eduardo. (Org.). Violência e Política no Rio
de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, Relume-Dumará. (book chapter)
[Name]; Clássicos e Positivistas no Direito Penal Brasileiro. [Classics and Positivistics in
Brazilian Criminal Law] In: MESSEDER, Carlos Alberto. (Org.). Retratos do Brasil
Moderno. Rio de Janeiro, Rocco Ed. (book chapter)
2005 – 2nd Prize for best paper on Labor Market (Desigualdade de Oportunidades
no Mercado de Trabalho Brasileiro – 1973 to 1996 [Inequality of Opportunity in the
Brazilian Labor Market – 1973 to 1996]). ANPEC (Brazilian Association of Graduate
Programs in Economics) and IPEA (Institute of Applied Economic Research). (prize:
10,000.00 US dollars)
2003 – 1st Prize for best Ph.D. Dissertation in Sociology. (The Brazilian Occupational
Structure – Columbia University). Associação Nacional de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa em
Ciências Sociais. (Brazilian Association of Graduate Programs in Social Sciences).
(publication of the book in Portuguese – my book in 2006)
2006-2008 – CNPQ – Brazilian National Science Foundation
“A Dimensão Social das Desigualdades no Brasil” [The Social Dimension of Inequality in
Brazil] (project about transmission of inequality along life cycle, main objective is to collect a
national survey including information about residents in 5000 households)
Role: PI (US dollars 1,000,000.00)
2004- 2007 – FAPERJ (Research Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro).
"Estado Sociedade Civil e Mercado na Redução da Desigualdade" [State, Civil Society, and
Market in the Reduction of Inequality]
Role: Co-investigator (US dollars 150,000.00)
2003-2005 - CNPQ – Brazilian National Science Foundation.
Living Standards and Financial Linkages Between Generations in Brazil.
Role: PI (US dollars 25,000.00)
2003-2003 – World Bank
The Brazilian Index of Human Development, 2000. Role: Co-investigator (US dollars 10,000.00)
2001-2003 - FAPERJ (Research Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro).
Patterns of Social Stratification in Brazil: Subjective and Objective Factors.
Role: Co-investigator (US dollars 30,000.00)
1996-2000 – CAPES (Brazilian Ministry of Education)
Fellowship for Doctoral Studies at Columbia University.
1995 -1996 - Ford Foundation
Racial Discrimination in the Jury Trials of Rio de Janeiro. Role: PI
1996 - State Government of Rio de Janeiro.
Cultural Census of Rio de Janeiro. Role: Co-investigator
1995 - World Bank.
Municipal Capacity - Ceará, Northeast, Brazil. 1995. Role: Co-investigator
1994-1995 – FAPERJ (Research Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro).
Violent Criminality in Rio de Janeiro. Role: Co-investigator
Presentation of papers at the following conferences: Research Committee 28 (Social
Stratification) of the International Sociological Association, American Sociological Association,
European Consortium for Sociological Research (Summer School), Associação Brasileira de
Programas de Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais [Brazilian Association of Graduate Programs
in Social Sciences] (ANPOCS), Sociedade Brasileira de Sociologia [Brazilian Sociological
Association] (SBS), among others. Coordinator of the Research Committee 28 (ISA) meeting in
Rio de Janeiro (2004) and the Social Stratification Section of ANPOCS (2003-2004).

Curriculum Vitae: