Language Guide
The basics
Hello = Olá
Goodbye = Adeus
Good morning = Bom dia
Good afternoon = Boa tarde
Good evening = Boa noite
Yes/No = Sim/Nâo
Please = Por favor
Thank you = Obrigado/a
With/without = Com/Sem
Little/lot = Poco/Muinto
More/less = Mais/Menos
Big/little = Grande/Pequeno
Near/far = Perto/Longe
Open/closed =
Here/there = Aqui/La
Hot/cold = Quente/Frio
The = o/a
A/The = um/uma
I don’t speak Brazilian = Nâo
Do you speak English? = Fala
Do you have? = Ten
I don’t have any = Ten nâo
Do you want? = Quer
I would like = Queria
How much? = Cuanto custa
Where is? = Onde fica
I am = Eu sou or Estou
I have = Tenho
What is your name? = Como
se chame
What country? = Que pais
Excuse me = Disculpar
Can I? = Posso
Can you? = Pode
Tell me? = Dezerme
Days of the week
Monday = Segunda feira
Tuesday = Terça feira
Wednesday = Quarta feira
Thursday = Quinta feira
Friday = Sesta feira
Saturday = Sabado
Sunday = Domingo
Today = Hoje
Last Update: 26/11/14
Tomorrow = Ananhâ
Yesterday = Ontem
1 = um/uma
2 = dois/duas
3 = tres
4 = quatro
5 = cinco
6 = seis
7 = seite
8 = oito
9 = nove
10 = dez
11 = onze
12 = doze
13 = treze
14 = catorze
15 = quinze
16 = dezasseis
17 = dezassete
18 = dezoito
19 = dezanove
20 = vinte
30 = trinta
40 = quarenta
50 = cinquenta
60 = sessenta
70 = setenta
80 = oitenta
90 = noventa
100 = cem
101 = cento e um
200 = duzentos
300 = trezentos
400 = quatrocentos
500 = quinhentos
600 = seiscentos
700 = setecentos
800 = oitocentos
900 = novecentos
1000 = mil
Useful names
Tourist Information =
Informacâo turistico
Bank = Banco
Telephone office = Posto
Post office = Correios
Stamp = Selo
Postcard = Postal
Envelope = Envelope
The Menu (Cardapio)
Chicken = Frango
Beef = Carne
Fish = Peixe
Seafood = Mariscos
Vegetables = Legumes
Salad = Salada
French Fries = Batatas fritas
Kidney beans = Feijâo
Ham = Presunto
Cheese = Queijo
Bread = Pâo
Butter = Manteiga
Coffee = Cafe
Tea = Cha
Milk = Leite
Sugar = Açucar
Mineral water = Agua mineral
Wine = Vinho
Steak = Bife
Eggs = Ovos
Juice = Suco
Pineapple = Abacaxi
Orange = Laranja
Papaya = Mamâo
Melon = Melâo
Cashew = Caxu
Beer = Cerveja
Bottle = Garafa
Draft beer = Chopp
The bill = A conta
Some drinks to remember
(or forget!)
Cachaça = local firewater
Caipirinha = Cachaça cocktail
Caiporoska = Vodka cocktail
Caipirissima = Rum cocktail
Cuba Libre = Rum & coke
j = as “s” in measure
x = as “sh” in cash silent
âo = as “ow” in cow
ch = as in “ch” in loch
ç = as “z” in zoo
nh = as in onion
lh = as in million
Last Update: 31.03.08 P
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Portuguese Language Guide