Gabarito simulado 9 ano MR R p4
Questão 1
Complete com some ou any
a)Do you have _ANY___ change?
b)Let's buy _SOME______ stamps.
c)My brother doesn't have __ANY friends. Isn't
it strange?
d) I'm so sorry but there aren't ANY________
cheese left. I must go to the shops.
e) Brazil and Greece are countries where Englis
is used as an international language.( C )
Questão 5
Marque a alternativa correta. In India, English
is ______________.
a) the second language.
b) the mother tongue of people.
c) an important language.
d) an international language.
Questão 6
e)Do you know _ANY__ famous people?
Questão 2
Observe as frases a seguir.
I – I bought some flowers yesterday.
II – Do you have any doubt?
III – They don’t have some money.
IV – You need to buy no bread.
Quantas estão empregando os pronomes
indefinidos adequadamente?
a) uma. b) duas. c) três. d) quatro.
Questão 3
O Inderrogative Pronoun que completa
corretamente a frase
“If you have __________ problem, come to
me.” é?
a) some
b) no
c) any
d) none
English, a global language
Why does everybody study English? What
makes it a global language? English is the
language that facilitates communication in
thousands of individual contacts made daily all
over the world. It is used in air, land and sea
communication, in information tecnology,
sports, TV, movies, science, politics, music…
English is necessary to surf and chat on the
internet, to e-mail people around the world, to
read international books, magazines,
announcements, ads, song lyrics, instructions,
manuals, scientific journals, etc. The following
graph shows the use of English all over the
Questão 4
De acordo com o texto, julgue C (certo) ou E
a) Everybody studies English nowadays. (C )
b) English is a global language because it is
used in all countries of the world. (E )
c)The language of air and sea communication is
English. (C )
d) People are studying English at school, to
surf and chat on the internet. ( E )
a)Em que tempo verbal se pode identificar a
frase acima:
b)crie uma frase com o tempo verbal escolhido
e sua estrutura.
Questão 7
Are there ________ books for me today? ) No,
there are not ______ books for you today.
a)any – any
b) some – some
c) any – some
d) anyone – some
e) something – no
Questão 8
Complete com Some , any , no
a) She has __SOME________ problems at
b) They played __SOME________ kind of game
which I don't know.
c)I haven't said _ANY__________ words at that
d) Do you have __ANY________ idea?
e) _SOME___________ of those will make
them happy.
Questão 9
a)qual o contexto da charge acima?
b) Na fala de Garfield podemos identificar o
verbo Have afirmando que algo não foi feito no
passado simple.
( ) certo ( X )errado
Questão 10
De acordo com o estudo dos pronomes
indefinido, complete as frases abaixo com
some, any ou no e depois marque a alternativa
com a seqüência correta.
I – I need __________ money.
II – The bottle is empty. There is _______
water. III – Are there _________ books for me
a) some – no – any
b) some – any – no
c) any – no – some
d) no – some – any
I am an engineer. I’m a civil engineer. My
brother is a doctor of medicine. He’s a
pediatrician. My sister is a secretary and my
father is a lawyer. Our salaries are rather good,
they are above average.
My brother and my sister are at work now. My
father and I are at home. We are on vacation.
Questão 11
Qual dos membros da família relacionados
abaixo não foi citado no texto?
a) irmã.
b) pai.
c) irmão.
d) mãe.
Questão 12
Questão 13
Quantas ordens ou pedidos há no texto?
a) eight.
b) nine.
c) ten.
d) seven.
Questão 14
Qual dos itens abaixo representa uma medida
de economia?
a) Save water.
b) Don’t wear fur.
c) Don’t smoke.
d) Plant a tree.
Questão 15
Analisando a frase “In this way we can keep our
house in order”, a palavra “house” se refere:
a) aos produtos biodegradáveis.
b) ao governo.
c) ao mundo.
d) ao nosso corpo.
Questão 16
O texto aborda algumas medidas a serem
a) apenas pelo governo.
b) apenas pelos ambientalistas.
c) por todos.
d) apenas por você.
Questão 17
Nowadays, ___________ wants to work
Questão 18
a)O Pronome indefinido Any deve ser usado em
frases negativas acompanhadas de outras
negativas ou não. Essa afirmativa está:
( ) certo ( X )errado
We are all housekeepers! Plant a tree…Use
recycled paper… Don’t waste fuel… Save water…
Keep your engine well adjusted… Walk… Don’t
smoke… Don’t wear fur… Use biodegrable
products. In this way we can keep our house in
order. (Time, April27, 1992)
a)no texto acima o verbo have está sendo
utilizado com verbo auxiliar do tempo verbal
Present Perfect. Essa afirmativa está:
( ) certo ( X ) errado
Questão 19
Is there ______________ in the bottle ? No,
a)anything – something
b) something – anything
c) something – nothing
d) anything – nothing
e) anything – anything
Questão 20
He doesn’t want ______ fruit
a) some
b) no
c) None
d) Any
e) not

Gabarito do Simulado P4 Ingles