NOME_______________________________________________________ Nº______ 3ª SÉRIE _____ / E.M.
DATA: ____ / ____ / 2012
PROFESSOR: Sérgio Xavier
DISCIPLINA: L.E.M. – inglês
VISTO DA COORDENAÇÃO __________________________
Você deverá entregar essa atividade, impreterivelmente, no dia de sua prova de
recuperação bimestral.
Refaça os exercícios da Apostila 6 (Etapa) e as atividades extras dadas no
caderno e/ou através de handouts. Não se esqueça de rever as questões de suas provas
mensal e bimestral (ou, ainda, de recuperação – caso tenha ficado). ESTUDE! Qualquer
dúvida, recorra a seu professor.
I – Grammar
A – Change the direct speech into indirect speech.
1. Tina said to Bill, “Please don’t leave me.”
2. Mr. Smith said to Don, “Shut up and do your homework”.
3. She asked me, “What do you know about his business?”
4. They asked me, “Do you think it will rain?”
5. I said, “If Megan refuses to kiss me, I’m going to cry.”
6. The detective said, “If Mr. Harris doesn’t show up, he will be charged with attempted armed
7. The old ladies said, “We went to the movies yesterday.”
8. Miss Jones said to her niece, “I’m longing to see what you have written.”
9. Robert said, “I’m looking for the next challenge.”
10. The politician said, “Our government doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.”
II – Reading Comprehension
G – Read the texts below carefully. Answer the questions in Portuguese.
TEXT II – 10,000 Germ Species In/On Our Body
Did you know your body is full with an incredible variety of bacterial
wildlife? A new study from the Washington University School of
Medicine in the USA reports there to be around 10,000 different
species of germs living on or in our body. Researcher Dr George
Weinstock said: "Our bodies are part of a microbial world." He claims
there is hardly a space or area that is not home to some form of
bacteria – mostly good ones. However, the report says we all accommodate low levels of
harmful microbes that can cause disease or infections. Scientists say these bugs generally do
no harm and live together with their friendlier counterparts who help protect our body and keep
us in good health.
Dr Weinstock said our bodies were smaller versions of another world: "You can think of our
ecosystems like you do rainforests and oceans - very different environments with communities
of organisms that possess incredible, rich diversity." He believes that studying the germs within
us offer many clues to our health and why we get ill. "It's not possible to understand human
health and disease without exploring the massive community of microorganisms we carry
around with us," he said. He added: "Knowing which microbes live in various ecological niches
in healthy people allows us to better investigate what goes awry in diseases." Weinstock
concludes that: "The future of microbiome research is very exciting."
(www.newsenglishlessons.com – June 15 , 2012)
11. O que um novo estudo da Washington University School of Medicine relata?
12. Como o Dr. Weinstock considera nossos corpos?
TEXT I – Airline Launches Child-Free Zone
A Malaysian airline has taken steps to help passengers who are fed up with
screaming kids on flights. Air Asia is banning children under the age of 12 from
sitting in the first seven rows of its economy class cabins. The airline said it is
responding to the complaints of thousands of air travellers who say their biggest
gripe while flying is the noise from children. The budget carrier has said its new
booking system will mean passengers can reserve a seat in the new "quiet zone" at no extra
cost, and experience "minimal noise". The new system will come into effect from February 2013.
Air Asia's initiative follows a move earlier this year by Malaysian Airlines, who banned children
from the top deck of its A380 aircraft.
The moves by the Malaysian airlines could be the start of a worldwide trend in air travel. A
recent poll by Britain's "Daily Telegraph" newspaper found that nearly 70 per cent of people
supported the introduction of child-free flights, not just child-free areas. Frequent flyer Jonathon
Stannard welcomed Air Asia's policy, saying: "It's about time. Economy is stressful enough
without having to endure screeching kids and crying babies. It's usually the parents' fault – they
rarely do much to control their children." Travel writer Simon Calder said: "People need to be
tolerant. People who have a problem with children on flights need to get over it." He added: "I
have two words for them - ear plugs."
(www.newsenglishlessons.com – September 28 , 2012)
13. De que maneira a companhia aérea Malasyan está tentando evitar que as crianças com
menos de 12 anos incomodem durante um voo?
14. Qual a opinião de Simon Calder sobre o problema abordado no texto?
TEXT III – Suicide bomber kills 6 people in Pakistan
Police say a suicide bomber has blown himself up near a vehicle carrying the regional head of
an anti-Taliban militia in northwest Pakistan, killing him and five others.
(www.englisch-hilfen – November 3 , 2012)
15. O que diz a notícia acima?
TEXT IV – Peanuts
(Adapted from www.gocomics.com – September 16 , 2012)
16. De acordo com o texto, podemos inferir que
a) Charles Brown não vê a hora de ser chamado pela professora.
b) o sinal da escola está quebrado.
c) Charles Brown aprendeu a lição e não vai deixar de se preparar para a chamada oral.
d) Charles Brown não está preparado para a chamada oral.
e) o sinal da escola está atrasado.
TEXT VI – Calvin and Hobbes
(Adapted from www.gocomics.com – October 11 , 2012)
17. Segundo a tirinha acima, podemos inferir que
a) Calvin tem uma profunda e verdadeira preocupação com a situação dos educadores.
b) Calvin não fez a lição de casa.
c) a professora fica extremamente emocionada com as palavras de Calvin.
d) Calvin adora sua professora, embora não consiga enganá-la.
e) a professora é facilmente enganada por Calvin.
“Never say never”
I – Grammar
1. Tina asked Bill not to leave her.
2. Mr. Smith told Don to shut up and to do his homework.
3. She asked me what I knew about his business.
4. They asked me if/whether I thought it would rain.
5. I said (that) if Megan refused to kiss me, I was going to cry.
6. The detective said (that) if Mr. Harris didn’t show up, he would be charged with attempted
armed robbery.
7. The old ladies said (that) they had gone to movies the day before/the previous day.
8. Miss Jones told her niece (that) she was longing to see what she had written.
9. Robert said (that) he was looking for the next challenge.
10. The politician said (that) our government didn’t negotiate with terrorists.
II – Reading Comprehension
11. O estudo em questão relata que há em torno de 10.000 espécies diferentes de germes
vivendo sobre ou dentro de nosso corp.
12. O doutor Weinstock considera nossos corpos como versões menores de outro mundo.
13. Ela está proibindo crianças com menos de doze anos de sentarem nas sete primeiras
fileiras da classe econômica.
14. Para ele, os passageiros precisam ser tolerantes. Ele sugere que as pessoas usem
tampões auriculares (de ouvido).
15. A notícia diz que seis pessoas foram mortas por um homem bomba no nordeste do
16. D
17. B