Álvaro Lopes
Pharmacist by the University of Lisbon (1975); PhD in Toxicology by the same
University in 1998; former Director of Lisbon Forensic Science Laboratory (20082009); Forensic Toxicologist from 1979-2008; Current Professor of Toxicology and
Drug Addiction in Institute for Health Sciences Egas Moniz (Pharmacy MSc / Forensic
Science BSc / Erasmus Mundus MSc in Forensic Science), and Pharmacology and
Therapeutics and Toxicology in University Lusófona of Humanities and Technology
(Veterinary MSc). Currently integrates the Management Committee (Portuguese
delegate) of the EU COST action ES1307 "Sewage Biomarkers Analysis for
Community Health Assessment" - See more at: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-10347086#sthash.VMvMcohp.dpuf

Álvaro Lopes Pharmacist by the University of Lisbon (1975