Corporate Taxpayer ID (CNPJ/MF): 02.541.982/0001-54
Company Registry (NIRE): 3530017583-2
Publicly-Held Company
Abril Educação S.A. (“Abril Educação” or “Company”), pursuant to paragraph 4 of
Article 157 of Law 6404/76 and CVM Instruction 358/02, as amended, hereby informs
that on this date the Company and its subsidiary CAEP – Central Abril Educação e
Participações S.A. (“CAEP”) entered into a Quota Purchase Agreement and Other
Covenants (“Agreement”) for the acquisition by CAEP of 100% of the capital of the
companies, namely: Colégio Motivo Ltda., Park Carapuceiro Serviços Ltda. and Centro
Recifense de Educação Ltda. (“Acquisition”) .
Under the terms of the Agreement, the Acquisition amounted to one hundred and three
million, one hundred and twenty-one thousand reais (R$103,121,000.00), to be paid by
CAEP as follows: (i) eighty-one million, one hundred and twenty-one thousand reais
(R$81,121,000.00) on this date (“Closing Date”); (ii) eleven million reais
(R$11,000,000.00) on July 1, 2014; and (iii) eleven million reais (R$11,000,000.00) on
July 1, 2015.
The Company will directly serve 2,800 primary, secondary and pre-university education
students through Colégio Motivo. The Acquisition will allow the Company to
strengthen its relevant presence in the Northeast region, which is currently the one that
grows most in the country.
It is worth noting that Colégio Motivo, whose students achieved excellent results in the
ENEM (High School National Exam), is a benchmark for quality education and
reputation in the Northeast.
The Acquisition is not subject to preliminary approval by the Brazilian antitrust
authorities or by the Company’s shareholders’ meetings, as it does not fall within the
scope of Article 256 of Law 6404/76, as amended.
São Paulo, July 5, 2013.
Fabio Murilo Costa D’Avila Carvalho
Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer

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