Ensino Médio • Uno Modular • Inglês • Módulo 9
Autor: William
Tricky structures
Question-tags, 2
Agreement and
disagreement, 11
Conjunctions, 20
Vocabulary, 30
Break, break, break,
On thy cold gray stones, O Sea!
And I would that my tongue could utter
The thoughts that arise in me.
Oh, well for the fisherman’s boy
That he shouts with his sister at play!
Oh, well for the sailor lad,
That he sings in his boat on the bay!
And the stately ships go on
To their haven under the hill;
But oh, for the touch of a vanished hand,
And the sound of a voice that is still!
Break, break, break,
At the foot of thy crags, O Sea!
But the tender grace of a day that is dead
Will never come back to me.
(Alfred Lord Tennyson)
Sistema de Ensino
Ensino Médio • Uno Modular • Inglês • Módulo 9
Ensino Médio • Uno Modular • Inglês • Módulo 9
1. Positive statements, 4
2. Negative statements, 5
1 Match the word hail in the sentences with its meanings
a) They are products of condensation in the atmosphere
of rain, hail or snow.
b) He advanced again, but was driven back by a hail of
c) She raised her hand to hail a cab.
d) Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with you.
e) Hail to the new champion!
f) Machado de Assis is hailed as the greatest of Brazilian
(John Wilkes Booth)
John Wilkes Booth
was born on a farm in
Maryland on May 10,
1838. He was the ninth
of ten children of
Junius Booth and Mary
Holmes. His parents
were British and had
emigrated to the United
States in 1821. By his early adulthood, he had turned
into a very popular actor, being the lead in many of
Shakespeare’s plays such as Romeo and Juliet,
Hamlet, Macbeth, Julius Caesar and Othello, among
others. In fact, Lincoln himself saw him perform
in a play at Ford’s Theatre in Washington on
November 9, 1863. He sat in the same box in which
he was assassinated two years later. Hailed as the
“youngest tragedian in the world”, the press
referred to Booth as “the handsomest man in
America.” He was tall, had black hair, blue eyes
and looked quite athletic. Men respected him for
his swashbuckling reputation and women adored
him for his beautiful face.
As a Southerner, he was fanatically devoted to the
Confederate cause in the Civil War. He hated Lincoln,
whom he blamed for all the South’s ills. Besides, he
was also a racist. On April 11, 1865, two days after
Robert E. Lee, commanding general of the Confederate
forces, surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant at
Appomattox, Lincoln gave his last speech from the
White House. Booth was in the audience. When the
President mentioned the possibility of conferring
voting rights on black people, Booth was furious. He
said, “Now, by God! I’ll put him through. That is the
last speech he will ever make.”
A few months earlier, Booth had started organising
a group of conspirators to kidnap the President, take
him to Richmond, the Confederate capital, and
exchange him for Southener prisoners, but General
Lee’s surrender made them change their plan.
Sistema de Ensino
On Good Friday, April 14, 1865, Lincoln decided to
attend the play Our American Cousin at Ford’s
Theatre. The President arrived at the theatre at about
8:30 p.m. Booth got there an hour later. He and owner
John Ford were friends and he had free access to all
parts of the theatre. He left his horse in an alley at
the back of the theatre and went to a bar next door
for a drink. At about 10:15 p.m. he slipped into the
State Box, where Lincoln and his wife were sitting
with a couple of friends, and shot the President fatally
in the back of the head at near point-blank range with
a .44 caliber pistol. Booth then jumped out of the
box and fell to the stage, breaking his leg. He crossed
the stage in front of an audience of hundreds of
people and screamed something like “The South is
avenged!” He made his way toward the back door,
got on his horse and ran away. Everything happened
so fast that no one had time to stop him.
Unconscious, the President was taken to a house
across the street from the theatre and passed away
at 7:22 on the morning of the following day.
Lincoln was well aware that his life was in danger.
On the very day of his assassination he had said to
his bodyguard William Crook, “You know I believe
there are men who want to take my life, don’t you?
And I have no doubt they will do it... I know no one
could do it and escape alive. But if it is to be done,
it is impossible to prevent it.”
Booth rode to the home of a doctor, who treated
his broken leg. Union soldiers were called out and an
intensive chase then began through Southern
Maryland and across the Potomac River. He was
finally spotted on a farm in Virginia on the morning
of April 26. As he refused to surrender, the soldiers
set fire to the barn where he was hiding. One of the
men shot him in the neck, although he had not been
under orders to do this. Booth was dragged out of
the burning barn and died on the porch of the
farmhouse. His body was taken to Washington and
buried in a prison cell. Two years later it was
exhumed, placed in a pine box, and locked in a
warehouse at the prison. In 1869 it was released to
the Booth family, who buried his remains in a
cemetery in Baltimore.
As for his co-conspirators, they were all arrested
a few days after the assassination. A military court
found them all guilty. Some were hanged, some were
sentenced to life imprisonment and one was given
a six-year sentence. Three were pardoned by
President Andrew Johnson in 1869.
( b ) saraivada
( d ) ave
( a ) granizo
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
“Our country owed
all her troubles to him,
and God simply made
me the instrument of
his punishment.”
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
Track 43
( e ) salve
( f ) aclamar
( c ) chamar
D: Palm Sunday)
7 Complete the sentences with attend or answer.
a) There were various reasons why it was difficult for
him to find time to
b) Daphne went downstairs to
the phone.
c) In spite of the rush, all the officers found time to
2 A swashbuckling reputation is a reputation of someone
who is:
a) a coward
b) a womaniser
c) daring and courageous
d) very cautious
e) generous
Alternativa C
3 How do you say “De quem é a culpa desta vez?” in English?
a) Who’s to blame this time?
b) Whose blame are you this time?
c) Who’s fault are they this time?
d) Whose to blame this time?
e) Whose fault are they this time?
Alternativa A
4 Complete the sentences with kidnap or hijack.
a) Their aim was to
the Microsoft CEO
from his house on the shores of Lake Washington.
b) The desperate man attempted to
6 “Good Friday” can be translated as:
a) Quarta-feira de Cinzas
b) Sábado de Aleluia
c) Terça-feira de Carnaval
d) Domingo de Ramos Alternativa E (A: Ash Wednesday;
B: Holy Saturday; C: Shrove Tuesday;
e) Sexta-feira Santa
a taxi.
d) “Go
the wedding of their friend.
the door, dear,” she said.
e) At the beginning of March he returned to New York in
order to
8 An alley is:
a) a narrow street
b) a large avenue
c) a treeless road
d) an expressway
e) a small square
Alternativa A
9 To pass away is a euphemistic way of saying:
a) to faint
b) to lose one’s temper
c) to die
d) to get angry
e) regain conscience
Alternativa C
c) One man and two women have been charged with the
d) “But why
and attempted murder of Suzanne Carter.
a baby?” she asked.
5 When someone surrenders, they
a) keep on trying
b) burst out laughing
c) start crying
d) stop fighting
e) lose their temper
10 Match the columns.
a) stage
b) avenge
c) chase
d) spot
e) barn
f ) hide
g) porch
h) bury
i ) warehouse
j ) arrest
( f ) esconder
( c ) perseguição
( a ) palco
( d ) avistar
( g ) varanda
( b ) vingar
( h ) enterrar
( e ) celeiro
( j ) prender
( i ) depósito
Alternativa D
Responda em português:
1 Na citação inicial, “Our country owed all her troubles to
him, and God simply made me the instrument of his
punishment.”, a quem os pronomes him, me e his se
A Lincoln, a Booth e a Lincoln.
2 Nenhuma das peças de Shakespeare citadas no texto
(Romeu e Julieta, Hamlet, Macbeth, Júlio César e
Othello) é uma comédia. Esta afirmação está correta
ou não?
Está correta.
Sistema de Ensino
Ensino Médio • Uno Modular • Inglês • Módulo 9
Ensino Médio • Uno Modular • Inglês • Módulo 9
3 Descreva John Wilkes Booth.
Ele era alto, tinha cabelos escuros, olhos azuis e um porte atlético.
Vejamos isso em inglês:
9 Como morreu Booth?
Ele foi cercado numa fazenda por soldados da União. Quando o celeiro em que se escondera pegou fogo, ele levou um tiro na nuca e
morreu na varanda da fazenda.
You came by taxi, didn’t you?
It’s cold today, isn’t it?
Kazumi can speak Japanese, can’t she?
4 Por que Booth se enfureceu ao ouvir o discurso de Lincoln
em 11 de abril de 1865?
Examinando esses exemplos, podemos chegar às
seguintes conclusões:
10 O que aconteceu com os conspiradores?9
Porque ele não admitia que os negros tivessem o direito de votar.
Uns foram enforcados, outros foram condenados à prisão perpétua
e um recebeu uma pena de seis anos de prisão.
a) o sujeito da afirmação será a última palavra
do tag;
b) se o sujeito é um nome próprio (Kazumi, por
exemplo), devemos substituí-lo por um pronome pessoal;
c) o auxiliar do tag depende do verbo da afirmação;
d) sendo a sentença afirmativa, o tag deverá ser
Essas conclusões podem ser reduzidas ao seguinte esquema:
subject + verb, aux. n’t + pronoun?
5 Por que os conspiradores tiveram que mudar seus planos?
Porque, com a rendição de Lee, o Sul perdera a guerra e não seria
mais necessário fazer uma troca de prisioneiros.
6 Por que Booth podia circular livremente por todo o teatro?
Lincoln, Kennedy, Ghandi, Martin Luther King..., todos
assassinados. O que leva algumas pessoas a atentar contra a vida de grandes líderes?
Quando a sentença é negativa, usamos o verbo
auxiliar sem not:
7 Como Lincoln foi morto?
Ele foi atingido na cabeça por uma bala calibre .44 disparada à
8 O que Booth fez depois de atirar no Presidente?
Ele pulou para o palco, escapou pelos fundos e fugiu a cavalo.
Que tal ler o discurso que Lincoln proferiu em 19 de
novembro de 1863, ao inaugurar o cemitério de Gettysburg,
palco da maior batalha da Guerra Civil, em que milhares
de soldados perderam a vida? Em inglês ele pode ser
acessado em <http://www.google.com.br/search?
gettysburg+address+september+11+1863&hl=pt-BR> e
em português em <http://www.google.com.br/search?
novembro01.html+gettysburg+discurso+Lincoln&hl= ptBR&lr=lang_pt>.
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
Porque ele era amigo do dono.
She didn’t say that, did she?
(Ela não falou isso, falou?)
I’m not American, am I?
(Eu não sou americano, sou?)
Jack wouldn’t write those things,
would he? (Jack não escreveria aquelas
coisas, escreveria?)
Além das duas estruturas apresentadas anteriormente, existem alguns casos especiais, que merecem atenção redobrada:
Verbo no imperativo:
Imperative, will you?
Sit down, will you?
Close the door, will you?
Sentença iniciada por Let’s:
Let’s, shall we?
O esquema agora fica reduzido ao seguinte:
subject + negative verb , aux. + pronoun?
Special cases
Let’s do it, shall we?
Let’s start now, shall we?
Sentença iniciada por I am:
I’m, aren’t I?
I’m your friend, aren’t I?
I’m here, aren’t I?
Sentença contendo ’d better:
Subject’d better, hadn’t + pronoun?
We’d better go, hadn’t we?
She’d better call a doctor, hadn’t she?
Sentença contendo ’d rather:
It was in the days of the Old West and two
cowboys were riding down a hill.
Quando procuramos a confirmação de uma
sentença afirmativa, acrescentamos uma espécie de
“apêndice” negativo. Em português falado, tal
apêndice se viu reduzido à palavrinha né:
Sistema de Ensino
Você veio de táxi, né?
Está frio hoje, né?
Kazumi fala japonês, né?
Roy: That ranch down there looks pretty
large, doesn’t it? What’s it called?
Steve: I think that’s the Lone Circle Triple
Diamond Lazy Q Bar T Homestead.
Roy: Let’s go there, shall we? How many head
of cattle do you think they have?
Steve: I heard they now have two. None of the
rest survived the branding.
Subject’d rather, wouldn’t + pronoun
You’d rather be at home now, wouldn’t you?
They’d rather finish it tomorrow, wouldn’t they?
Sujeito derivado de -one ou -body:
-one/-body, aux./aux. n’t + they?
Everybody enjoyed the party, didn’t they?
No one could see the thief, could they?
Sistema de Ensino
Ensino Médio • Uno Modular • Inglês • Módulo 9
Ensino Médio • Uno Modular • Inglês • Módulo 9
3 In their day,
( ) both Churchill and Roosevelt were unaware of the
behind-the-scenes reality of the war.
( ) both Churchill and Roosevelt often criticized their
( ) both Churchill and Roosevelt had to cope with
savage criticism from their countrymen.
1 Complete as sentenças com question-tags.
5 Relacione as colunas.
isn’t she
b) Mrs. Smith is a bank manager,
wouldn’t it
c) It’d be wonderful if they could come,
wasn’t there
d) There was a lot of money in the safe,
2 Elabore sentenças para as seguintes question-tags:
You were kidding
There’s some milk left
You can swim
They told you about it
, weren’t you?
, isn’t there?
, can’t you?
, didn’t they?
3 Complete as sentenças com question-tags.
did he
a) Mr. Carter didn’t kill his wife,
was it
b) The money wasn’t there,
c) He doesn’t smoke,
d) There weren’t any photographers outside the hotel,
were there
4 Elabore sentenças para as seguintes question-tags:
This box isn’t heavy
They haven’t seen it
I couldn’t say no
There was nothing I could do
, is it?
b) It won’t hurt,
( i ) isn’t she?
c) He’s not stupid,
( e ) are they?
d) She’s never gone
( g ) aren’t they?
e) The children aren’t
paying attention,
( a ) did he?
f) He read the book,
( f ) didn’t he?
g) They’re going to sell it,
( h ) won’t it?
h) It’ll be easy,
( b ) will it?
i ) Mary’s asleep,
( j ) hasn’t he?
j ) He’s already left,
( c ) is he?
4 We can say that
( ) Americans have an unconditional admiration for
Churchill, but not for Roosevelt.
( ) Churchill is admired and respected all over the world,
mainly in the U.S., despite some bitter criticism
from scholars.
( ) Roosevelt had feet of clay.
5 You often find giants and
in children’s stories.
a) roller coasters
d) ships
b) goats
e) pens
c) dwarfs
6 Complete as sentenças com question-tags.
a) Let’s eat out tonight,
b) Shut up,
c) He’d better go to bed,
, could I?
shall we
will you
hadn’t he
d) Everybody was sleeping at that time,
weren’t they
, have they?
e) She’d rather take a taxi,
wouldn’t she
, was there?
Os exercícios 1 a 10 referem-se ao texto a seguir.
A matter of History
People often ask how History will remember our
generation of leaders in comparison with the second
world war leaders Winston Churchill and Franklin Delano
Roosevelt. Many comment that today’s leaders look small
compared with the giants of the past. This is, I believe, a
misconception. In their day, both Churchill and Roosevelt
were frequently criticized, often savagely, by their fellow
countrymen, including legislators who had little
knowledge of the behind-the-scenes reality of the war. The
passage of time both elevates and reduces reputations.
Today there is a cult of Churchill, particularly in the United
States, but also far greater scholarly criticism, which
regards him, increasingly, as a flawed war leader. The same
is true of Roosevelt: his recent biographers are constantly
revealing – to their satisfaction, at least – feet of clay.
(Newsweek, December 2004-February 2005, p. 14)
Sistema de Ensino
( d ) has she?
does he
a) Bob Willer didn’t set
fire to the building,
Read the statements below and decide whether they are
True (T) or False (F), using the following key:
a) F – T – F
b) F – T – T
c) T – T – F
d) F – F – T
e) T – F – F
1 According to the text, people often
( ) compare Churchill with Roosevelt.
( ) ask if Churchill was a greater leader than Roosevelt.
( ) compare today’s leaders with the second world war
2 The author believes that
( ) comparing today’s leaders with the second world
war leaders may lead to misconceptions.
( ) misconceptions are often based on historical
( ) Churchill was often criticized by Roosevelt.
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
a) You’ve been here before,
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
haven’t you
6 Choose the alternative in which the prefix mis- cannot
be added:
a) mistake
d) misfeet
b) misunderstanding
e) misuse
c) misfortune
7 Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) is often cited as the
creator of the “noble
” myth.
a) Indian
d) Friday
b) native
e) savage
c) civilization
8 Match the columns:
a) regard
b) regarding
c) regardless
d) best regards
) independentemente
) lembranças
) considerar
) com relação a
9 According to the Bible, God created Adam out of
and breathed life into him.
a) flaw
d) giant
b) clay
e) time
c) knowledge
10 (UPE 2004) She hadn’t done the right thing,
a) had it
d) had she
b) has she
e) had her
c) has it
O exercício 11 refere-se ao texto a seguir.
Everyone knows them as the Olympic Games. But in
fact, they’re a huge, international business that today
brings 10,300 athletes, 5,100 officials, 15,000 media people
and millions of spectators together in one place for 2 1/2
weeks. So it’s no wonder that when the Olympic Games
take place, they count on UPS. You see, UPS is the world’s
largest express delivery company with 157,000 vehicles,
1,713 facilities and 344,000 dedicated people around the
world. Which is why the Olympic Games can rely on us to
ship almost anything anywhere. So whether your business
is big or small, make sure you have an express delivery
company your express business won’t outgrow. Ship it
UPS and consider it done.
(Time, July 10, 2000)
11 (CEFET – PE 2001) Qual é o real propósito do texto lido?
a) Dar informações sobre os Jogos Olímpicos.
b) Fazer propaganda de uma importante companhia
de entrega/frete.
c) Convidar as pessoas a assistirem aos Jogos Olímpicos.
d) Mostrar que os Jogos Olímpicos representam uma
mera transação internacional.
12 Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a
seguinte sentença:
Everyone knows them as the Olympic Games,
a) don’t they
b) doesn’t everyone
c) doesn’t they
d) knows everyone
13 (UPE 2002) We haven’t been to the stadium,
a) do we
d) had we
b) do they
e) have they
c) have we
Os exercícios 14, 15 e 16 referem-se ao texto a seguir.
(UFMG 2004)
The best way to boost self-esteem
Working hard to accomplish great things is a healthy
way to pump your ego? No necessarily, according to
researchers at the University of Michigan. In their survey
of 642 college freshmen, those who measured their selfworth against objective standards, such as getting good
grades, were actually more stressed – and received no
higher marks – than those who based how they felt
themselves on their relationships with others. That’s not
to say that you shouldn’t work hard; just don’t make it all
about you. “Instead of focusing on whether you’re
succeeding, ask yourself, ‘What am I contributing to
society? How will people benefit from what I’m doing?’”
suggests lead researcher Jennifer Crocker, Ph.D. “This
takes the pressure off you and guarantees that your work
will always feel meaningful.”
(Redbook, March 2003, p. 52)
14 According to research, working hard to succeed in a task
a) contributes to the relationship with others.
b) can make most freshmen more relaxed.
c) usually results in good grades.
d) does not always improve self-esteem.
15 The research indicates that students are more stressed
when they
a) base their value on the success they achieve in their
b) aim at offering a contribution to society as a whole.
c) measure their self-esteem against the relations they
d) make sure the work they do is really meaningful.
16 Dr. Crocker defends that, to avoid stress, people should
a) focus on their role in society.
b) concentrate on their career.
c) work to get higher marks.
d) reach objective standards.
Sistema de Ensino
Ensino Médio • Uno Modular • Inglês • Módulo 9
Ensino Médio • Uno Modular • Inglês • Módulo 9
17 Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a
seguinte sentença:
Os exercícios 22 e 23 referem-se ao texto a seguir.
26 Por “…it is unlikely to stand up to scientific scrutiny.”
entende-se que:
a) nenhum escrutínio seria aceito por essa hipótese.
b) ninguém gostaria que um escrutínio científico fosse
c) é improvável que um cuidadoso estudo científico seja
d) essa hipótese dificilmente passaria por uma investigação científica.
e) hipóteses desse tipo não são aprovadas para uma
apuração científica.
The computer program good for your eyes
Staring at the computer too long does not necessarily
hurt your eyes: in fact, a program that you can download
at members.nbci.com/jonpaulone/20visionO.htm is
actually good for your eyes and can help improve your
vision. The site offers you endurance and strengthening
exercises that range from watching letters shrink on
screen to help improve your focal depth adjustment,
speed training to read faster and animations to relax your
eyes. The download is free with a maximum of 30 sessions
and cost $24 after.
(Speak Up, nº 173)
18 De acordo com o texto,
a) ficar diante do computador durante muito tempo é
prejudicial à visão.
b) o computador não prejudica necessariamente nossa
visão quando ficamos muito tempo diante dele.
c) o computador é responsável pela maior parte dos
problemas de visão dos jovens de hoje.
d) nossos olhos se cansam demais quando temos a
necessidade de ficar longas horas diante do
e) a necessidade de ficar longas horas olhando para o
computador é benéfica para nossos olhos.
19 O programa mencionado pelo texto
a) apresenta exercícios que nos ajudam a distinguir entre
o que é bom ou ruim para os olhos de quem trabalha
muito com o computador.
b) permite que nossa leitura, diante da tela do computador, seja mais lenta para não comprometer nossa visão.
c) apresenta letras pequenas que só podem ser prejudiciais à visão de quem usa o computador.
d) ajuda-nos a usar o computador de maneira mais rápida e eficiente.
e) oferece exercícios de fortalecimento para a visão de
quem usa o computador.
20 O download do programa mencionado pelo texto
a) é gratuito.
b) custa 30 dólares.
c) custa 24 dólares
d) é parcialmente gratuito.
e) é gratuito até 24 sessões.
The mystery of aging runs almost as deep as the
mystery of life. During the past century, life expectancy
has nearly doubled in developed countries, thanks to
improvements in nutrition, sanitation and medical
science. Yet the potential life span of a human being has
not changed significantly. By age 50 everyone of us, no
matter how fit, will begin a slow decline in organ function
and sensory acuity. And though some will enjoy another
half century of robust health, our odds of living past 120
are virtually zero.
Well, that is one hypothesis,
a) is it
b) is that
c) isn’t it
d) does it
e) doesn’t it
(Newsweek, Special Edition, Fall/Winter 2001)
22 A expectativa de vida no século passado
a) triplicou nos países desenvolvidos.
b) duplicou nos países em desenvolvimento.
c) quase duplicou nos países desenvolvidos.
d) diminuiu nos países desenvolvidos.
23 Ao atingir a idade de 50 anos, o ser humano, mesmo
a) perde a capacidade auditiva.
b) sofre um declínio nas funções renais.
c) começa um declínio em suas funções orgânicas e
acuidade sensorial.
d) diminui a capacidade motora.
24 Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a
seguinte sentença:
By age 50 everyone of us, no matter how fit, will begin a
slow decline in organ function and sensory acuity,
a) won’t we
b) will they
c) will you
d) shall we
Os exercícios 28 e 29 referem-se ao texto a seguir.
(FUNREI – MG 2002)
The true values of Islam
One God and One Nation
Ghassan (Gus) Karim’s daughter was on the phone.
Karim is a tailor who immigrated to the U.S. from
Lebanon in 1969. Thirty-years later, when George W.
Bush took the oath of office as President, he was
wearing a suit made by his friend Gus. But after last
week’s bombings, Karim’s daughter, who works for a
Dallas financial-consulting company, called in tears. She
(Time, September 24, 2001)
28 According to the text, Ghassan Karim is:
a) a Muslim terrorist.
b) President’s Bush’s tailor.
c) an office employee.
d) the U.S. finance consultant.
29 Ghassan Karim
a) came from Dallas.
b) lives in Georgetown.
c) was born in the U.S.
d) is a Lebanese by birth.
30 Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a
seguinte sentença:
Don’t worry about it,
a) will you
b) do you
c) don’t you
d) won’t we
31 Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a
seguinte sentença:
I am proud to be here,
a) aren’t I
b) you are
c) am I
d) am not I
Os exercícios 25 e 26 referem-se ao texto a seguir.
(PUCRS 2003)
Getting ready
As autumn arrives in the northern hemisphere, the
season’s colour for trees is red, again. Researchers are
beginning to understand why leaves sport it.
Shelley poetically imagined that in autumn leaves lost
their colour as the wild west wind drove them…
…like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing…
Well, that is one hypothesis. But it is unlikely to stand
up to scientific scrutiny.
21 Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a
seguinte sentença:
(Economist.com, October 10, 2002)
Staring at the computer too long does not necessarily
hurt your eyes,
a) do they
b) doesn’t it
c) hurt they
d) stare they
e) does it
25 The expression sport it can be replaced in this context –
without a change in meaning – by
a) hold it
b) play it
c) leave it
d) turn it
e) wear it
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27 Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a
seguinte sentença:
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
Os exercícios 18, 19 e 20 referem-se ao texto a seguir.
The biology of aging
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
Working hard to accomplish great things is a healthy way
to pump your ego,
a) doesn’t it
c) don’t you
b) working it
d) isn’t it
had been taunted. “You were born in this country. Don’t
worry about it,” Karim told her. A Muslim, a Rotarian
and an American success story, he says, “This is my
home, and I am proud to be here. I will never forget
what this country gave me.”
Sugar gives you “empty calories” – that is, calories
with no other nutrients: no vitamins, no minerals, no fibre,
no protein.
Almost any other food you could name would bring
some goodness, but sugar is more like a laboratory
chemical than a food. All the goodness that went into the
original sugar plant is stripped out in the processing.
There are two main problems with eating too much
sugar. Firstly, sugar promotes tooth decay, especially
when you have sugary snacks and drinks frequently
throughout the day. Secondly, sugar promotes obesity.
Adding sugar to foods makes it easier for us to eat too
much — partly because our taste-buds have been trained
to crave for sugary foods. Cutting back on sugar is the
easiest way to cut calories without losing any nutrients.
Here are some tips for cutting down on sugar. Don’t
worry about having the odd binge on sweet food. What
matters is what you eat every day. Tick the things you
already do. Then put an * by the tips you could try.
• Try drinking your tea or coffee without sugar. You
might find it easier to cut down a little at a time.
• When buying soft drinks, choose low-calorie ones
or unsweetened fruit juices.
• Try halving the sugar you use in your recipes. It
works for most things except jam and meringues.
• Look at the ingredients on breakfast cereals and
avoid cereals with added sugar. Some sugar-coated cereals
are 50% sugar.
• Use fresh fruit or unsalted nuts as snacks, instead
of sweets or chocolate.
• Go easy on cakes and biscuits. They can add a lot of
sugar to your diet.
(Health Education Council.
A Guide to Healthy Eating. London.)
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