Trabalho Submetido para Avaliação - 15/05/2012 23:18:00
DIESSICA ROGGIA PIEXAK ([email protected]) / Doutoranda do PPGEnf/FURG, Rio Grande - RS
DIRCE STEIN BACKES ([email protected]) / Professora do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem da
UNIFRA, Santa Maria - RS
JAMILA GERI TOMASCHEWSKI-BARLEM ([email protected]) / Doutoranda do
PPGEnf/FURG, Rio Grande - RS
DANIELLE ADRIANE SILVEIRA VIDAL ([email protected]) / Mestranda de Enfermagem do
PPGEnf/FURG, Rio Grande - RS
DAIANE PORTO GAUTÉRIO ([email protected]) / Doutoranda do PPGEnf/FURG, Rio Grande - RS
SILOMAR ILHA ([email protected]) / Mestrando de Enfermagem do PPGEnf/FURG, Rio Grande - RS
MATHEUS VIERO DIAS ([email protected]) / Mestrando de Enfermagem do PPGEnf/FURG,
Rio Grande - RS
ALINE MARCELINO RAMOS ([email protected]) / Discente do Curso de Graduação em
Enfermagem da FURG, Rio Grande - RS
Nursing; Research in nursing; Education in nursing;
Scientific research in the area of nursing knowledge has evolved in scope, relevance and depth. However,
when comparing nursing to other areas of knowledge, there is still the need of advancing in qualified scientific
production. Thus, it is emphasized that the stimulus to researches should start in the formation of the nurse,
providing subsidies for the construction, for example, of a scientific career project with a reflective-critical and
constructive vision1. There are few studies found in the literature that address nursing research in graduation,
so that we can reflect and build strategies that enable the integration of research as transverse practice in the
nursing graduation course, showing a gap to be searched. Given these considerations, the need to study the
context of the Nursing Graduation Course at Centro Universitário Franciscano (UNIFRA) arose, in which the
discipline of scientific methodology became available and mandatory in the first term of the course in 2010,
going through the whole professional formation process, which may contribute to the construction and
consolidation of investigative skills throughout the course. Thus, this study is justified having in mind that
thinking and reflecting on new learning-teaching strategies in nursing education, especially regarding
investigative skills, is a challenge for the training of qualified professionals and for the improvement of nursing
as science. Thus the following research question emerged: What is the perception of students in the first term
of a nursing graduation course about the research? It had as objective: To understand the perception of
students in the first term of a nursing graduation course about research. This is an exploratory-descriptive
study in a qualitative approach. The study was conducted in a private university, UNIFRA, located in the
central region of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil. Thirty first term students of the nursing graduation course were
subjects of the study. For data collection, held in June 2010, it was formulated a questionnaire consisting of
an only and open question aimed to meet the goal of this investigation: What is your perception about the
research? From the analysis of content, in response to the open question of the questionnaire, it was possible
to know the first term students' perceptions of a nursing graduation course about the survey, which portrayed
the importance of research for professional training, their contribution to evidence-based practice and
continuing education, and greater visibility of the profession through the production of knowledge through
improved research. Despite that the students are new in the nursing graduation course, it is clear that they
envision the research as integral and fundamental to a qualified training of nurses, which may result from the
introduction of the discipline of scientific methodology in the first semester of the course . It is noteworthy that
the research, seen as a way of building and consolidating knowledge, has the potential to qualify both the
students and the course itself, providing subsidies for the development and consistency of their autonomy in
the exercise of activities as a professional 2.3. Thus, envisioning the practice also as a trainer, it is essential
that the student realizes himself in constantly learning and that, through reflective capacity, he remains in
constant search for knowledge production3. Students realize that the search can be an allowance for the
consolidation of Evidence-Based Practice and that, moreover, is essential for lifelong learning, corroborating
the curriculum guidelines for the training of nurses, which point to continuing education as a condition for the
exercise of professional practice concerned with the health needs of the population 4. Still, it is understood
that the conquest of the visibility of the nurse goes through the pursuit of "interactive possibilities and
voluntary contributions and social transformation in different spheres and fields, in order to expand and
publicize its field of intervention" 5 : 642. It is therefore necessary to encourage students as early
undergraduate, the different possibilities of professional nursing, including research, which may contribute to
greater recognition and appreciation of professional and higher visibility of the profession5. It is believed that
the recognition of the importance and necessity of research as cross practice in nursing graduation courses
contribute to the development of investigative skills of students and to professional training.
4 BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Conselho Nacional de Educação. Câmara Nacional de Educação.;
Resolução CNE/CES, no. 3, de 7 de novembro de 2001. Institui as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do
Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem [Internet].;; mar. 2012.
1 ERDMANN, A. L.; A necessidade de atingirmos novos patamares na pesquisa em enfermagem.; Acta Paul
Enferm.; 22; V-VI; 2009.
5 ERDMANN, A. L. et al.; A visibilidade da profissão de enfermeiro: reconhecendo conquistas e lacunas.;
Rev. bras. enferm.; 62; 637-43; 2009.
3 ERDMANN, A. L. et al.; Vislumbrando o significado da iniciação científica a partir do graduando de
enfermagem. ; Esc. Anna Nery. ; 14; 26-32; 2010.
2 MEIRA, M. D. D.; KURCGANT, P.; Avaliação da formação de enfermeiros segundo a percepção de
egressos.; Acta Paul. Enferm.; 21; 556-61; 2008.

prospects of research in the first term of a graduation course in nursing