Russian Thread
©Clínica Naturale 2008
Autor Prof. Dr. Miguel Francischelli Neto
Clínica Naturale
Av. Moema, 87 cj 51-52, Moema, São Paulo - SP, Brasil
Fone 11 50511075
What is
The Russian Thread is called like this , because his inventor was a Surgeon
that has a clinic in Moscow, Sulamanidze, M.A. It is used for the treatment of the laxity
of the facial skin without the needing of surgery. This way we can obtain a lifting of
the tissues.
The basic idea is simple. A poly-propylene thread, similar to what is used in
surgeries, has flukes especially guided, that are capable of, as soon as applied, to
work as an anchor in the facial tissue. They are applied in agreement with directions
that perform the intended lifting effect (elevation). The flukes impede that the thread
moves, maintaining the elevation, and compatibility with the tissues allows
acceptance for the organism.
For application simplicity it can be used in a great age group, and in more
precocious times, when a conventional surgery would not be still suitable.
It can be used separately or associate to other techniques. In our clinic, we
preferred the use of the Thread Russian associate to other techniques, like Bioplasty.
2-The Laxity Process of the Face
In a young face, the fat layer and the muscles are firmly anchored in the bone
structure, and has a maintained capacity of sustentation. Then the skin stays in
position, and we can observe characteristic of a young face, with volume, outline and a
formate tending to the oval, with flat skin, without wrinkles or furrows.
In the aged face, the muscles are flaccid, the fat layer gives in, and the skin
accompanies everything, being also flaccid and fall. Then appear the furrows, the
"Chinese mustache", the "Cheek of Bulldog ", wrinkles and stains. The treatments as
Botox, the Fillers, Peelings, can help in many aspects of the aging, but when a process
of laxity settles, the only alternative was Surgical Lifting.
The Russian thread is now offered to help in the control of this problem, call of
"Russian Thread", or Lifting Beramendi. It can be used separately, or as we preferred,
associated to Bioplasty and other techniques.
The Russian Thread is a poly-propylene thread of double convergence, in other
words, with a type of claws in double sense, that is put in the flaccid tissue and it gets
to maintain a suspension degree.
The Thread of Poly-propylene, is a material used in the internal surgical sutures
that is assimilated by the body. He is not biodegradable , and it is biocompatible, and
has a strong resistance. Do not provoke allergic reactions usually. It is for that reason
that this material is used in surgical sutures, mainly in the seams among vessels, and
it is used thoroughly all over the world. The poly-propylene was the chosen material for
the production of the Russian Thread, or the Beramenndi Lifting Thread . The Thread
possesses two claws segments that run in opposed senses, towards the Center of the
The threads are put in the flaccid tissue, in the part of the fat, through a guide
especially developed. After having put a part, we pull the tissues upward and the other
part holds and it impedes that the thread moves, and then it is arrested. The own
thread promotes a sustentation of the tissue immediately and with the time it happens
the formation of new tissue, that will stiller maintain the sustentation.
The placement should be used in favorable surgical ambiance , with routine
asepsis techniques and under local anesthesia. The patient comes for the procedure in
the scheduled hour, and returns home immediately after the procedure. At the
Naturale Clinic, for safety and the patient's comfort and surgeon we opted to perform
the treatment without internment, in Day Hospital.
3 - FAQ
Who can apply the Russian Thread?
The people with laxity of the facial skin and of the neck starting from the 30 / 40
years of age, that want to control the laxity without surgery , they can be used of the
Russian Thread as option to the traditional surgery of lifting, that can be postpone for a
more advanced age. The Russian Thread technique has additional advantages for
certain situations, for instance people with Serious Face Laxity, with cardiopathies,
diabetes or advanced age that would like to submit to a Surgical Lifting of the Face,
but has contraindication of the surgery because of the clinical problems. These people
can undergo the Russian Thread, because it is a procedure with local anesthesia and
ith smaller risks than the surgery. People with skin laxity, that could submit to the
surgery of Lifting, but don't feel stimulated to performer a surgical procedure, and
ending for choosing the Russian Thread by its largest easiness. People with all of the
skin tones, white , oriental, brunette or black , could submit to the procedure of
Russian Thread because it doesn't provoke scars. Now we associated to the Russian
Thread the technique of Bioplasty, also Minimally Invasive , with good results.
Bioplasty Enhances the Beauty, and it gets rejuvenation, and additional degrees of
laxity can be treated complementary with some few Russian Threads or Beramendi
threads .
How is the Russian Thread placed ?
The placement should be performed in favorable ambiance , with routine
asepsis techniques and under local anesthesia. The patient comes for the procedure in
the scheduled hour, and returns home immediately after the procedure. The Russian
Thread is put through microcannulas , that when they are removed leaves the arrested
Thread in the flaccid tissue .
How is the Anesthesia Type for the procedure?
Anesthesia to Russian threads are local, the same performed by the dentists.
Very anxious patients can be lightly sedated, in this case for larger safety counted with
the presence of an anesthetist, that leaves the patient sleeping, but in a very light way.
In what ambiance the Procedure is performed?
At the Naturale Clinic, for safety and the patient's comfort and surgeon we opted
to perform the treatment without internment, in the own Day Hospital of the Clinic.
Therefore after the procedure the patient returns home.
Which are the necessary examinations for the implantation of the Russian Thread?
A Clinical examination, Hemogram and coagulation examinations, and other
complemental examinations if the patient has some problem of health.
Is the Technique painful?
The local Anesthesia separately, presents a certain pain degree, that can be
accepted with easiness by the patients, and it is what is performed in the immense
majority of the times. . For the most intolerant to the pain patients, or very anxious
ones , an associated sedation leaves the procedure most comfortable. For safety, we
requested an anesthetist presence in these cases.
How many threads are necessary and which the duration of the procedure?
The Number of threads depends on the treated areas and of the degree of laxity, it can
vary from 2 to 14 threads. Now with the association with Bioplasty, we have been
opting for a smaller number of threads.
Where is the thread implanted, can it be visible or to be felt by the touch?
The thread is implanted in the deep layer of the facial fat. The association to
Bioplasty, and sing smaller number of threads , It cannot be visible and nor felt by the
touch. It is important to chosse the best patients to performe these type of treatment
How long is it necessary to be home after the procedure?
It owes if avoids to laugh and to speak too much in the first days. They are
maintained a mask of anti-allergic adhesive plaster that it stays for 2 days. It can
happen some oedema and ecchymosiss. If the patient wants, can return to the work
immediately or the following day. To feel embarrassment with the adhesive plaster, or
with some small sign of the procedure, it can return in 2 or 3 days. For about 30 days,
if it seats the presence of the Thread, that it is the own process of sustentation of the
face that changed. After this time doesn't sit down anything else of different
How long is it long to appear the result?
The result is immediate, but a process of gradual improvement still continues for
more time
Do other similar types of treatment exist?
Yes another type of Thread, with seemed techniques exists. In our Clinic we
used the Lifting thread Beramendi, already very known and that has been presenting
good results, and away with "Russian's" name it was tested Brazil , that is one of the
largest world center of aesthetics .

Russian Thread