National Corporate Taxpayer Number (CNPJ/MF) nº 07.718.269/0001-57
National Corporate Registration Number (NIRE) nº 3130002243-9
Publicly Held Company
Minutes of the 13th Board of Director’s Meeting of Springs Global Participações
S.A., held on May 07, 2008.
1. DATE, TIME, AND VENUE: on May 07, 2008, at 09:00 A.M., at the office of
Springs Global Participações S.A. (“Company”), located in the city of São Paulo, state of
São Paulo, at Avenida Paulista, nº 1.754 – 2ª. Sobreloja.
2. CALL NOTICE AND ATTENDANCE: Members of the Board of Directors were
regularly invited, under the terms of the Article 18 of the Corporate By- laws. The
majority members of the Company’s Board of Directors attended; therefore, a quorum
was present for installation and approval.
3. Presiding Board : Chair: Josué Christiano Gomes da Silva
Secretary: João Batista da Cunha Bomfim.
4. RESOLUTIONS: The members of the Board of Directors decided, by unanimity of
votes and without any hesitation to approve: (i) the Financial Statements related to the
quarter ended March 31, 2008; and, (ii) the re-election of the members of Directors with
terms of office until the General Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders to be held in 2009,
Mr. Josué Christiano Gomes da Silva, Brazilian, married, engineer, resident and
domiciled in the city of São Paulo, state of São Paulo, with office located at Av. Paulista,
1,754, 2ª sobreloja, Cerqueira César, CEP 01310-920, bearer of the identity card No.
MG-1.246.178, issued by SSP/MG, and enrolled with the Federal Revenue Service under
CPF/MF No. 493.795.776-72, for the position of President-Director; and Pedro Garcia
Bastos Neto, Brazilian, married, engineer, resident and domiciled in the city of Belo
Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, at Rua Bernardo Guimarães, 1.515, apto. 601, Bairro
Funcionários, bearer of the identity card No. M-5.133.026, issued by SSP/MG, and
enrolled with the Federal Revenue Sevice under CPF/MF No. 014.936.636-15, for the
position of Corporate Subject Director. To appoint Mr. Josué Christiano Gomes da Silva
to add to his attribution as President-Director, with the function of Investor Relations
Director, in terms of CVM Instruction nº 202/93, of the Comissões de Valores
5. To record the statement by the Director and Officers of the Company now elected
regarding that (i) they are not impeded by law or convicted for a bankruptcy crime,
prevarication, bribery, concussion, peculation, crime against the economy, public
accreditation, property, or convicted to a crime penalty that impedes, even if temporarily,
to hold a public position, pursuant to Section 1º of Article 147 of Law No. 6.404/76; (ii)
they are not convicted to a penalty of temporary suspension or immobilization applied by
Comissão de Valores Mobiliários, that make them ineligible for a administration position
of a public company, as pursuant to Section 1º of Article 147 of Law No. 6.404/76; (iii)
attend the requisite of justified reputation as pursuant to Section 3º of Article 147 of Law
No. 6.404/76; and (iv) do not hold a positioning in a company that might be considered a
competitor to the Company, and do not have or represent any conflicting interests with
those of the Company, as provided in paragraphs I and II of Section 3º of Article 147 of
Law No. 6.404/763.
6. Director Daniel Platt Tredwell participated in this meeting in form pursuant to Section
2º of Article 19 of the Corporate By-law.
CLOSING: With nothing further to be discussed, the meeting was closed and these
minutes were drafted, which after having been read and approved were signed by the
Directors who attended the meeting.
Secretary: João Batista da
Signatures: President: Josué Christiano Gomes da Silva
Cunha Bomfim.Directors: Josué Christiano Gomes da Silva, President;
Roger Ian Wright; Marcelo Pereira Lopes de Medeiros; João Gustavo Rebello de Paula;
João Batista da Cunha Bomfim; Álvaro Schocair de Souza Filho; and Daniel Platt