Copel in the Community III
The project is designed to check electric power waste in lowincome communities in Copel Distribuição S.A.'s concession
area. Its energy efficiency initiatives are geared to a target
audience comprising 80,000 consumer units.
Coverage: (Towns/cities, The project was conducted in 51 cities and towns in Copel
districts, # of cons.
Distribuição S.A.'s concession area and benefited 80,000
consumer units. The following cities and towns were covered:
Alvorada do Sul, Amaporã, Apucarana, Araucária,
Bandeirantes, Barracão, Bocaiúva do Sul, Brasilândia do Sul,
Cambé, Cambira, Campo Mourão, Castro, Conselheiro
Mairinck, Fazenda Rio Grande, Francisco Beltrão, Grandes
Rios, Guapirama, Inajá, Itapejara do Oeste, Ivaiporã, Japurá,
Kaloré, Lunardelli, Mallet, Mandaguari, Maria Helena, Mariluz,
Maringá, Mariopólis, Palmas, Paranaguá, Paranapoema,
Paranavaí, Perobal, Planalto, Pontal do Paraná,
Prudentopólis, Rio Azul, Santa Cecília do Pavão, Santo
Antônio da Platina, São Carlos do Ivaí, São Jorge do Ivaí, São
José dos Pinhais, Sapopema, Sarandi, Sertaneja, Teixeira
Soares, Telêmaco Borba, Toledo, Umuarama and União da
Energy Saved:
Peak Demand Reduction: 9,795.48kW
Social and
Environmental Impacts:
Using more efficient equipment helps improve people’s quality
of life in that they can use the money saved to improve their
health conditions and education, or enjoy themselves. The
project will allow Copel to serve new clients with no need for
further investments and postpone investments in generation,
transmission and distribution systems.
In addition, the project will help disseminate the energy
efficiency principles in low-income communities, a portion of
society that greatly lacks access to information and income.
Expected duration of
Lighting: 5 years. Refrigeration:12 years.
Others: 10 years.
Planned: R$28,499,740.40
Demand Cost Reduction: 387,.48R$/kW
Energy Cost Reduction:
Cost Benefit Ratio

Project Copel in the Community III