Acredito que o acontecimento da greve policial foi muito
importante para a profissão ser mais bem reconhecida. Apesar de
que seremos os mais prejudicados, porque não teremos segurança,
acho válida essa greve pois só assim o governo irá aumentar os
salários. Os policias deveriam ser muito bem reconhecidos e
deveriam ter um salário muito bom, já que eles arriscam suas vidas
para protegerem as nossas e porque sem eles seria muito difícil ter
uma sociedade controlada. A polícia militar tem também um papel
muito importante nas comunidades carentes, nas quais além de
proteger eles podem também orientar os jovens, já que muitas
vezes os policias passam muito tempo nas favelas. Eu acho que se
essa greve na Bahia tiver um bom resultado, a Polícia Militar do Rio
de Janeiro também vai entrar em greve para reivindicar seus
Carolina Faria
In my opinion the government needs to be more aware of the
consequences this strike might lead to. The Federal Police plays a
key role in the streets of our cities and I cannot imagine how it will
be in Salvador, the capital of Carnival, without them. It will be very
dangerous and many people might get hurt and many more will
have their personal belongings stolen from them. It will affect too
the security of the tourists, who have a key role in our country's
Patricia Mello
A greve da polícia militar brasileira luta pela melhoria de
salários. Hoje em dia, o salário de um policial é muito baixo. Fico
surpresa das greves não terem sido organizadas antes. A PM é
responsável pela segurança do povo. Eles arriscam suas vidas todos
os dias para nos defender. No Brasil, há muita corrupção não só na
política, mas também nos departamentos de polícia devido aos
baixos salários. Devemos respeitar a mobilização policial. Eles têm
razão de entrar em greve. Bianca Fraga
The text emphasizes that the current situation in Bahia is
precarious. According to both articles, the government is not
responding to the economical reforms the way police officers are
expecting and this may lead to a chaos that will definitely affect
many of the citizens in that state. However, in my opinion, the
strikes are not focusing on the right direction. The correct
approach to an economical change would be to lobby for lower
taxes and consequently lower the tax burden. In Brazil, taxes are
untypically high and lead to serious financial problems in many
Peter Fauci
Particularmente, eu acho que os PM's estão cobertos de
razão em se manifestarem. Eles estão em greve reivindicando um
salário decente e melhoria na condição de trabalho. A polícia militar
pode não ser a melhor no Brasil, porém eles ajudam muito a
manter a cidade segura. Ser um PM é trabalho muito arriscado e
em minha opinião muito lindo. Você querer ser parte de um grupo
que tem como lema proteger e defender é uma coisa muito digna.
Se eu morasse em Salvador com toda a certeza iria protestar a favor
deles. Essa época do ano, o país inteiro precisa da polícia devido ao
Carnaval, aos turistas que chegam e ao tráfico que rola solto. A
solução é aumentar o salário o mais rápido possível antes que a
folia comece, porque senão o índice de assaltos, mortes, enfim,
tragédias em geral vão subir e muito!
Julie Medeiros
The thing that is at risk with this negotiation is the security of the
people that live in Salvador. The government should consider the
risk of living in a city without a police force, especially when its a
time like "Carnival in Salvador" where millions of people including
tourists go out on the streets to celebrate. The police officers risk
their lives everyday to keep the citizens safe and to maintain peace.
So I believe they deserve a better wage to support their families.
João Paulo Leitão
First, it is unconstitutional to have a strike like the one the "PM" is
having. There is a law that prohibits a strike involving all people in a
certain area to strike at the same time. No essential service can
totally stop. They can form groups and strike accordingly, but they
can't all strike at the same time, just like doctors, postal services,
etc can't. Second, it is sad to see that the people, both the ones
who live in Bahia and the ones who don't, make fun of the
situation. There are comments all around the internet saying that
the "PM" is actually doing us a favor. With the "PM" out of service,
there would be no more blitzes to ruin the traffic or give an
incorrect fine that would just be bribed out of, etc. And sadly, I
partially agree. The "PM" does a lot of wrong things themselves
and easily gets away with it. They sometimes disturb more than
they help. Third, and perhaps most important, it is outrageous that
people are taking advantage of the strike to create turmoil. All the
killings and barbarities that are happening in Bahia are simply
inhumane. Are people really so savagely ill hearted to react this
way? All this violence and darkness—how can people actually act
this way? We should be rational enough to be able to manage
ourselves without the need of the police. We should know better
what's wrong and what's right. It's just wrong.
Everything. From the very start.
Ana Carolina Miranda
If people do not feel secure wherever they are, they live in fear. The
situation in Salvador is one great example of the lack of security
people will feel if the government does not provide the police what
they are requiring: increase in their salary. Carnival is near, and the
security people usually have, will not occur this time. Salvador is
widely known for its Carnival, and the government should consider
the risk that they will take if they do not give what the police is
asking. There is no amount of money that is good enough
for people that put their own lives in danger in order to save the life
of someone that they often don´t even know. Citizens’ opinions
should also be considered when it comes to their security, since a
good part of the taxes that citizens pay goes toward that
security. The government of Salvador should think twice before
making a final decision, and think about the ones that will be in
danger if they make the wrong one.
Yasmin Parada
The ongoing strike in Salvador regarding the military police
department comes intentionally at a crucial time for Bahia´s capital
city. The main reason for the police/security strike is due to the low
salaries policemen receive, which range between R $ 1,900 and R $
2,300 and is now going on its eighth day on strike. This week,
military policemen and government officials scheduled a meeting to
discuss possible alternatives, but ended up reaching no compromise
or negotiations after hours of talking. Unfortunately, the strike is
occurring on the verge of one of the most celebrated holidays in
Brazil, Carnival. Salvador is famous for being one of the most lively
cities (along with Rio de Janeiro) to celebrate Carnival and security
during this time is a key component in making a successful and
happy carnival for everyone. Here´s hoping that a strike in Rio is not
imminent and festivities will continue.
Rodrigo Rodriguez
Do meu ponto de vista, o governo deve aceitar a demanda
por aumento salarial dos policiais, pois os mesmos merecem esta
significante melhoria em suas vidas. Podemos perceber claramente
que os grevistas apresentam argumentos coerentes sobre tal
resolução, como: a remuneração oferecida não é suficiente para as
despesas com suas famílias e não é justa quando comparada com
suas longas e exaustivas cargas horárias de trabalho. Os policiais
exigem também que tal troca seja feita o mais breve possível; já o
governo tenta postergar ao máximo (o que já era de se esperar).
O Brasil deve investir na segurança dos cidadãos, só assim
poderemos viver tranquilos e em paz. Não só os policiais, mas
todos, pedimos por uma melhoria em nosso país... não é pedir
demais, certo?
Erika Viana

what the juniors think about the strike of the military police (pm)