Rules for presentation of papers
Mission of the magazine
The magazine Horizonte is a semester publication of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC Minas), which bears the objective of circulating scientific papers that account for the advance of science,
especially in the fields of Sciences of Religion and of Theology, and the
critical integral academic education, open to dialogue, in the light of
interdisciplinary perspective and plurality of ideas.
General information
Horizonte publishes papers in the shape of articles, communications,
reports and bibliographical notes, translations, interviews, studies of cases and summaries of dissertations and theses. It is a bilingual magazine
and it publishes unpublished texts in Portuguese and Spanish. Papers in
other languages, be they accepted, will be translated to Portuguese.
Selection of papers
The papers will be submitted to appreciation of the Commission and
Editorial Board, and forwarded to consulters ad hoc for their appraisal.
The selection takes into consideration the originality, relevance and methodological and scientific quality of the papers. It is also assessed their
conformity to ABNT and PUC Minas Publishing House rules. The contents and precision of citations are the authors’ entire responsibility.
The sending of any collaborations automatically implies the integral granting of royalties to PUC Minas. It is requested that authors send a term of
transference of the royalties, including the signature of each author, according to the following model: “I (we) submit the paper under the title
of ... to be appreciated by Revista Horizonte
Horizonte, and agree that the royalties
concerning to it become exclusive property to PUC Minas Press, being
banned any reproduction, be it total or partial, by any other party or
means of divulging it, printed or electronic, without the necessary and
previous authorization being formally requested and obtained from the
Publishing House.”
The authors must indicate, as “foot-note” in the first page of the text, in
the simplest way, their university background, title and institutional filiations, as well as means of contact for the readers: complete address and
The Editorial Commission reserves itself the right to highlight the necessary corrections in the received papers, returning them for the authors’
due adequacy to the rules of the magazine. The texts will be submitted to
Portuguese language revision.
The authors will be notified upon the acceptance or refusal of their articles.
The originals, even when not taken, will not be returned. In case of acceptance with indication for alterations, the papers will have to be revised by
the authors and returned for another assessment within 10 work days.
Preparing the originals
The articles may be presented in disk or by e-mail and in printed copy in
A4 sheet of paper (210x297mm), typed in Word, orientation “portrait”,
font 12 (it is allowed size 16 for titles), Times New Roman, 1,5-space
between lines, with the following margins: superior, inferior and right of
2,0 cm and left of 2,5 cm. Tables, graphics and drawings can not take
more than 25% of the total of the article, and must be numbered with
Arabic figures. The originals must have a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 15 written pages. The length of the reports may not exceed 4
pages. The articles, communications, reports and summaries of dissertations and theses must come duly corrected.
Along with the articles, there must come a bilingual summary (Portuguese/English), of the same content, presenting with clarity and conciseness
the theme of the paper, the objectives, the methodology utilized, and the
conclusions. It is demanded that the summary have necessarily within
150 and 200 words.
The key-words, at a maximum of 5, indicate the content of the article
and must be chosen, preferably, from catalogue of controlled vocabulary. They must be separated by semi-colon. The title and the key-words
also must be displayed in Portuguese and English. The texts
in Spanish will be presented with summary, title and key-words in Spanish/English.
The structure of the papers
The articles must respect the following sequence: title; author(s); summary; key-words; text with subtitles and foot-notes; and references (bibliographical and others). The elements of presentation by the author
will be placed at an asterisk before the first foot-note, as well as the address
and e-mail for mail.
The book reports must show: name of author of the book (and translator, if relevant), title, city, press, year of publication, number of pages
and elements of presenting the author of the book report.
The communications need not bring a summary nor key-words, should
only obey the sequence: title, name of the author (including as foot-note
his title, institutional filiations and address and e-mail for correspondence), text and subtitles (be it the case).
The summaries of dissertations and theses must bring the following elements: title, name of the author (including the elements of his presentation, institutional filiations and address), name of the supervisor, programme
of pos-graduation, institution of higher teaching and date of defense.
Foot-notes are intended to render enlightment or make important considerations, that should not be included in the text in order to not interrupt the logical sequence of the reading, or essential pieces of information
and preferably in short. It should be avoided to the utmost the use of
foot-notes, preference should be given to indicating the source, the information or citation in the text itself. When necessary, the foot-notes
must be numbered, through Word resource, right after the word or phrase
to be added.
Note of the translator.
Paper accomplished with financial support of Capes.
The verb form “pagar-se” was used as a noun.
Bibliographical citations
Excerpts or pieces of information taken from consulted publications are
introduced in the text with the intent to clarify or complete the ideas of
the author.
Free citation: the ideas are reproduced without the transcription of the
words of the author.
Example: As Teixeira recalls (2005, p. 30) the inter-religious dialogue is
fundamental to the world at present.
Textual citation: literal transcription of other authors’ texts.
Example: The Brazilian religious reality reveals itself as plural, a “peculiar
type of pluralism, that the regulating aspect of Catholicism did not manage to conceal” (SANCHIS, 1997, p. 38).
Should the citation take over three lines, it must be clipped from the text,
moved inward in 4 cm, font 11, Times New Roman, space between lines
simple, doing away with the right margin of the text, with no quotation
marks, under the same above reference (SANCHIS, 1997, p. 38).
The references must be displayed in alphabetical order by the first author’s
surname, at the end of the article, and follow the ABNT rules, as in the
LAKATOS, E. M.; MARCONI, M. Metodologia do trabalho científico
co. 2. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 1986. 198 p.
Chapters of books
JOHNSON, W. Palavras e não palavras. In: STEINBERG, C. S. Meios
de comunicação de massa
massa. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1972. Cap. 3, p. 47-66.
Dissertations and theses
BITENCOURT, C. M. F. Pátria, civilização e trabalho
trabalho. O ensino nas
escolas paulistas (1917-1939). 1988. 180 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em
História) - Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo.
Articles and periodicals
ARAÚJO, V. G. de. A crítica musical paulista no século XIX: Ulrico
Zwingli. ARTEunesp
ARTEunesp, São Paulo, v. 7, n. 1, p. 59-63, 1991.
WERNECK, Humberto. Dona Chiquita: as primeiras estórias de Guimarães Rosa. Minas Gerais
Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 23 nov. 1968. Suplemento
Literário, p. 3.
Electronical documents
SILVA, I. Pena de morte para o nascituro. O Estado de S. Paulo
Paulo, São
Paulo, 19 set. 1998. Disponível em: <http:/
pena_morte_nascituro.htm>. Acesso: em 29 set. 1998.
Address for the sending of papers and transference of royalties term:
Horizonte - Revista de Estudos de Teologia e Ciências da Religião
Av. Dom José Gaspar, 500 - Prédio 6, sala 130 - CEP 30535-901 - Belo
Horizonte - MG Brasil
Fone: 31 3319-4581 - Fax: 31 3319-4318 - Cx. Postal n. 1.686. e-mail:
[email protected]

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