1 – Verifique se sua prova está completa (questões e páginas).
2 – Leia com calma e atenção as questões solicitadas, respondendo-as com clareza.
3 – Observe que algumas questões são respondidas no cartão resposta e outras – as questões abertas –
em folha específica. Fique atento à numeração das questões.
Scientists followed 1,169 nondiabetic men and women who had been hospitalized for a first
heart attack. The patients had a health examination three months after their discharge from the
hospital, and researchers followed them for the next eight years.
After controlling for age, sex, obesity, physical inactivity, smoking, education and other
factors, they found that the more chocolate people consumed, the more likely they were to survive.
While the chocolate eaters in the study had a statistically insignificant reduction in the risk of death
from any cause over the eight-year span, the reduced risk for dying of heart disease was highly
significant. And it was dose-dependent — that is, the more chocolate consumed, the lower the risk
for death.
Compared with people who ate none, those who had chocolate less than once a month had
a 27 percent reduction in their risk for cardiac death, those who ate it up to once a week had a 44
percent reduction and those who indulged twice or more a week had a 66 percent reduced risk of
dying from a subsequent heart event. The beneficial effect remained after controlling for intake of
other kinds of sweets.
The co-author of the paper, Dr. Mukamal, said that data from other studies suggests that
chocolate lowers blood pressure and this might be a cause of the lower cardiac mortality found in
the study.
Adapted from http://www.nytimes.com, September, 2009.
01 - According to the text, it is true to say that:
A) The study was in progress for three months after patients´ first heart attack.
B) The consumption of chocolate also reduced the risk of death from other causes.
C) The consumption of chocolate is beneficial for diabetic patients.
D) The consumption of chocolate after a heart attack enhances the chance of survival.
E) People who ate less chocolate had better results.
02 - According to the results of the study, which alternatives are true:
I. The more chocolate you eat, the less chances you have you having a heart problem.
II. It is also important to control other health factors, such as weight and smoking.
III. Chocolate is beneficial for people´s blood pressure reduction.
IV. The study showed changes in other causes of death other than heart attacks.
A) I, II and III.
B) I and IV.
C) II and III.
D) All of the alternatives are true.
E) None of the alternatives are true.
03 - In paragraph three of the text Chocolate Increases Survival Rates After Heart Attack, the
sentence “The beneficial effect remained after controlling for intake of other kinds of sweets”
A) People must control the amount of other sweets they eat to continue having beneficial effects.
B) People who added other kinds of sweets to their diets felt even more benefits.
C) People continue having beneficial effects independent of eating other sweets.
D) People who added other kinds of sweets to their diets felt terrible.
E) People who eat chocolate feel like eating other kinds of sweets more often.
The swine flu outbreak of 2009 has been nowhere near as virulent as the pandemics
throughout history. However, as history has shown, someone gets the blame for the spread of
epidemics — at first Mexico, with attacks on Mexicans in other countries. In May, a Mexican soccer
player who said he was called a “leper” by a Chilean opponent spat on his tormentor. In June,
Argentines stoned Chilean buses, saying they were importing disease. When Argentina’s caseload
soared, European countries warned their citizens against visiting it.
“When disease strikes and humans suffer,” said Dr. Liise-anne Pirofski, an expert on the
history of epidemics, “the need to understand why is very powerful. And, unfortunately,
identification of a scapegoat is sometimes inevitable.” The most visible aspect of blame, of course,
is what name a disease gets. The World Health Organization has struggled to avoid the names
given the Spanish, Hong Kong and Asian flus, instructing its representatives to shift from “swine
flu” to “H1N1” to “A (H1N1) S.O.I.V.” (the last four initials stand for “swine-origin influenza virus”) to,
recently, “Pandemic (H1N1) 2009.” Headline writers have rebelled, and ignored them. The truth is
that diseases are so complex that pointing blame is useless, simply deflecting blame may be more
Adapted from http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/01, September, 2009.
04 - Which alternative best describes the general idea of the text?
A) The swine flu is not as strong as other pandemics in history.
B) The European countries were prejudiced against Argentina.
C) How the name of H1N1 has changed so far.
D) When epidemics strike people must find its cause and origin in order to understand it.
E) The headline writers insist on finding the scapegoats for the epidemics.
05 - According to the text, in paragraph three the sentence “When Argentina’s caseload soared”
A) The virus was discovered in Argentina.
B) The virus was brought by Chileans to Argentina.
C) The number of cases of H1N1 patients in Argentina got stable.
D) The number of cases of H1N1 patients in Argentina went up.
E) The number of cases of H1N1 patients in Argentina went down.
06 - Which questions are incorrect?
02 (
04 (
08 (
16 (
32 (
) Do you believe in Lucy’s incredible stories?
) Does your parents use any strategies to teach you about honesty?
) Why do Alice tell so many lies?
) Does your children misbehave?
) Do you believe in life after love?
) Does Jane has any problems with drinking?
A woman with a small child got on a bus and put a single coin into the box. The operator stopped
her. "That child is older than five, madam. You'll have to pay half-fare for him." The woman was
very angry and said:" But how could he be older than five? I've been married only for four years."
"Madam", said the operator, "I'm taking fares, not confessions."
coin: moeda
fare: passagem
operator: cobrador
07. According to the text, check the RIGHT alternatives.
01) The woman had been married for 4 years only.
02) The woman was married to the operator.
04) She had a child with her.
08) She wanted to pay the normal fare for her child.
16) She was going to pay only her fair because her child was supposed to be allowed to pass.
32) The operator let the boy pass gently.
64) The operator only did his job.
08. According to the text...
01) The woman had a son.
02) Her child looks younger than 5 years old.
04) The operator takes confessions in a church.
08) The operator didn’t like the woman’s child.
16) That wasn’t the woman’s child.
32) She put only one coin.
09. Assinale as alternativas corretas sobre os três textos acima:
01 – Os textos 1 e 2 são ambos da internet.
02 – O texto 1 fala sobre os benefícios do chocolate.
04 – O texto 2 fala sobre os vários tipos de gripe no mundo.
08 – O texto 3 é uma fábula.
16 – O texto 3 fala apenas de 3 personagens.
10. Use o espaço para a questão discursiva para escrever de maneira resumida, EM
PORTUGUÊS, o que você entendeu sobre o TEXTO 1 ou o TEXTO 2.
11 – No triângulo ao lado, DE // BC . Nessas condições, some as afirmativas VERDADEIRAS:
01 - a medida de x é igual a 5.
02 - o perímetro do triângulo ABC,sabendo que BC = 11 cm é 36 cm.
04 - Os triângulos ABC e ADE, são semelhantes.
08 - O lado DE é igual a 6 cm.
12 – Para se calcular a distância entre duas árvores, representadas pelos pontos A e B, situados
em margens opostas de um rio, foi escolhido um ponto C arbitrário, na margem onde se localiza a
árvore A. As medidas necessárias foram tomadas, e os resultados obtidos foram os seguintes:
AC  70 m
BÂC  62º
AĈB  74º
Sendo cos 28º = 0,88; sen 74º = 0,96; sen 44º = 0,70 e sen 62° = 0,88; podemos afirmar que as
distancias de A a B e de B a C são respectivamente. (faça à somatória)
01 - 48 metros
02 - 78 metros
04 - 88 metros
08 - 96 metros
16 - 102 metros
13 – Faça a somatória das soluções verdadeiras:
14 – Faça a somatória das soluções verdadeiras:
01) O triplo de 350 é 351.
02) A quinta parte de 59 é 58.
04) A metade de 230 é 215.
08) O quádruplo de 210 é 4.096.
15 – Os triângulos ABC e AED, representados na figura a seguir, são semelhantes, sendo o
ângulo ADE congruente ao ângulo ACB
Se BC = 16 cm, AC = 20 cm, AD = 10 cm e AE = 10,4 cm, o perímetro do quadrilátero BCED, em
centímetros, é
a) 32,6
b) 36,4
c) 40,8
d) 42,6
e) 44,4
a) V = {-2, -1, 1, 2}
b) V = {-3, -1, 1, 3}
c) V = {1, 2}
d) V = {-2, -1}
e) V = { }
a) V = {0, 1}
b) V = {2, 3}
c) V = {-2, 1}
d) V = {0,- 3}
e) V = {-1, -3}
a) V = {0, 1}
b) V = {2, 3}
c) V = {-2, -1}
d) V = {0,- 3}
e) V = {-1, 2}
a) 2/3
b) 1/4
c) – 1/2
d) – 2/3
e) 4
20 – Duas cordas cortam – se no interior de um circulo. Os segmentos da primeira são expressos
por 3x e x + 1 e os da segunda por x e 4x – 1. O comprimento da maior corda, qualquer que seja a
unidade, é expresso pelo número:
21 - O albinismo nas plantas, ou seja, a incapacidade de sintetizar clorofila, é um caráter recessivo
em muitas espécies. Uma planta de fumo heterozigota para albinismo é autofecundada, e 600 de
suas sementes são postas para germinar. Quantas teoricamente levarão à plantas albinas?
Quantas, teoricamente, terão o genótipo parental?
a) 150; 300
b) 150; 450
c) 300; 300
d) 150; 150
e) 450; 150
22 - Quando o heterozigoto apresenta um fenótipo intermediário entre os dois homozigotos,
dizemos que houve:
a) mutação reversa
b) não-dominância ou co-dominância
c) recessividade
d) dominância
e) polialelia
23 - Analise o heredograma abaixo e assinale a alternativa correta.
a) O fenótipo normal é condicionado por gene dominante e todos os indivíduos normais são
b) O fenótipo afetado é condicionado por gene recessivo e os indivíduos 3, 4 e 8 são homozigotos.
c) Não é possível determinar o tipo de herança mostrada pelo heredograma.
d) O fenótipo afetado é condicionado por gene dominante e os indivíduos afetados são
e) O fenótipo normal é condicionado por gene dominante e os indivíduos 3 e 8 são homozigotos.
24 - (Cefet-PR) No homem, os três sistemas de grupos sangüíneos ABO, MN e Rh transmitem-se
independentemente. Um homem pertencente ao grupo B, Rh negativo e MN casa-se com uma
mulher do grupo O, Rh negativo e MM. Este casal poderá apresentar filho com o fenótipo:
a) B, Rh - e M
b) O, Rh + e M
c) AB, Rh - e MN
d) A, Rh + e MN
e) O, Rh - e N
25 - Num Banco de Sangue tem-se o seguinte estoque de sangue de doadores:
Grupo A: 15
Grupo B: 5
Grupo AB: 5
Grupo O: 10
Existem 2 pacientes à espera de doação:
Paciente 1: possui aglutininas anti-A e anti-B
Paciente 2: possui aglutinogênios A e B
Assinale a alternativa correta:
a) O paciente 1 pode receber sangue de 25 doadores.
b) O paciente 2 pode receber sangue de todos os doadores.
c) O paciente 1 pode receber sangue de todos os doadores.
d) O paciente 2 pode receber sangue de 10 doadores.
e) O paciente 1 pode receber sangue de 15 doadores.
26 - Observe a genealogia.
Muitos filhos
Para o casal que pretende ter muitos filhos, foram feitas as quatro afirmações a seguir.
(01) O casal só terá filhos AB e Rh positivo.
(02) Para o sistema ABO, o casal poderá ter filhos que não poderão doar sangue para qualquer
um dos pais.
(04) O casal poderá ter filhos Rh positivo, que terão suas hemácias lisadas por anticorpos anti-Rh
produzidos durante a gravidez da mãe.
(08) Se for considerado apenas o sistema Rh, o pai poderá doar sangue a qualquer um de seus
(16) O homem do casal mais novo é homozigoto.
27 - (UFPR) Considerando o sistema ABO de tipagem sangüínea, o indivíduo 1 como um receptor
universal e os indivíduos 2 e 3 como doadores universais, qual a probabilidade do indivíduo 4
NÃO ser doador universal?
a) 10%
b) 25%
c) 33%
d) 50%
e) 75%
28 - (CESGRANRIO) Consideremos dois pares de genes CD/cd durante a meiose.Supondo-se
que ocorre crossing entre eles numa freqüência de 16%, os gametas formados serão:
a) 25% CD, 25% cd, 25% Cd, 25% cD.
b) 42% CD, 42% cd, 16% Cd, 16% cD.
c) 42% CD, 42% cd, 8% Cd, 8% cD.
d) 50% CD, 50% cd.
e) 84% CD, 84% cd, 16% Cd, 16% cD.
29 - Considere os seguintes cruzamentos entre humanos:
Com base nesses cruzamentos, é correto afirmar que a anomalia presente nos indivíduos
assinalados em preto é causada:
a) por um gene autossômico dominante
b) por um gene dominante ligado ao cromossomo X
c) por um gene autossômico recessivo
d) pela ação de um par de genes recessivos ligados ao cromossomo Y
e) pela ação de dois pares de genes dominantes com interação epistática
30 - Resolva as questões abaixo: