Antônio Raphael Teixeira Neto; Roberta Ferro Godoy; Ana Maria Guerreiro Braga da
Silva; Renato Fonseca Ferreira II; Fábio Henrique Bezerra Ximenes; Ceci Ribeiro Leite;
Cristiane da Silva Pereira; Liana Villela de Gouvêa; José Renato Junqueira Borges.
Introduction: Hoof avulsions and hoof hounds may be classified as complete or
incomplete; partial or total and full or partial-thickness lesions. Among them, the total,
complete and full-thickness hoof avulsion, or exungulation, is the rarer in horses. Hoof
avulsion can be consequence to traumas, to weakened lamellae or by surgical treatment.
Case report: An 8-year-old male Thoroughbred was referred to our veterinary hospital
after a trauma where the animal had its left forelimb tied in a wire resulting in a complete,
total and full-thickness avulsion on the hoof. On the dorsal surface of the second phalanx
a small portion of corium paretis was visible and the third phalanx was visible. For the
first 7 days, the foot was cleaned daily with a physiological solution (0.9% NaCl),
followed by application of cosmetic moisturizer cream without alcohol, and bandage
covered with a rubber boot made with tire inner tubes. After the first week, the process
was repeated every two days, for 14 days and twelve weeks later, the patient was
discharged and the treatment continued at the farm twice a week. Systemic Benzathine
Penicillin, Phenylbutazone and Biotin were administred. Ten months after the injury, the
hoof was completely grown, but the dorsal aspect of the hoof wall appeared be shorter
when compared to the heels. Conclusions: We achieved a cheaper and simple treatment
with only physiological solution, moisturizer cream and parenteral antibiotics and biotin,
allowing regeneration of the hoof. The prognosis for lameness free use of the limb is
UnB. E-mail: E-mail: [email protected]

128 treatment of total complete full thickness avulsion of the hoof