ECTS - Escola Superior de Educação
Degree: Social Education And Intervention - Specialization In Community Development And
Adult Education
Course: Local Development: Cultures and Identities
Academic Year: 2012/2013
Academic year: 2
Semester: Winter Semester
Attendance regime: Mandatory
Number of Credits (ECTS): 7.0
Theoretical and Practical Contact Hours:
60.0 h
Course Responsible Teacher: Doutor Luís Rothes
In Desenvolvimento Local: Culturas e Identidades [Local Development: Cultures and Identities], students will be invited to discuss
the relations between culture and development, by taking into account the knowledge that has been produced over this issue in the
field of social sciences in Portugal and also by examining the results of a selection of examples of culture-based experiences of
social intervention in communities and territories.
Throughout the sessions, students will access and discuss the ¿pros¿ and ¿cons¿ of a vast array of theoretical and methodological
resources and they will be able to:
- Problematize the relations between culture and development, by identifying, in a scientifically informed manner, the specificities,
resources and potentialities of a particular social group and/or socioterritorial context;
- Idealize social intervention projects involving particular social groups and/or socioterritorial contexts in a way that apprehends and
enhances local identities and the available cultural resources, within a framework that¿s oriented towards endogenous and
sustained development.
1. The relations between culture and development:
1.1. Conceptual and theoretical clarifications;
1.2. Towards an integrated perspective of the relations between culture and development;
1.3. The ever-changing value of culture in contemporary societies ¿ a debate.
2. The political economy of culture:
2.1. Culture, economy and development ¿ critical perspectives;
2.2. From ¿cultural democratization¿ to ¿cultural democracy¿ ¿ the role of the state and public policies;
2.3. Strategic planning and local development ¿ from ¿diagnosis¿ to ¿intervention¿;
2.4. Culture, ¿territorial marketing¿ and identity (re)inventions ¿ empirical illustrations and critical perspectives.
3. Cultural projects, the social dynamics of identity and local development: proposals, experiences, results.
The development of this Curricular Unit¿s contents will privilege the active participation of students and the mobilization and sharing
of their knowledge and individual experiences. The presentation of the Unit¿s contents by the teacher and his/her guests will be
backed up by a set of references and the students will be asked to participate in the analysis and discussion of selected texts and of
selected case studies. The reference to the students¿ personal and professional experiences will be thoroughly stimulated.
The resources used in each session will be given to students so they can prepare themselves in advance. These resources will
include texts, slides, photographs, and videos. Some sessions will correspond to open workshops or fieldtrips, in order to give
students the possibility of experimenting and contacting with real case studies and ways of doing.
Students will have to elaborate, in a local development perspective, a culture/artistic-based social intervention project aimed at a
specific social group and/or socioterritorial context. Although they don¿t have to actually implement it, students will have to refer the
project to a ¿real¿ and known group/context.
The written report with the characterisation of the group/context and the presentation of the project will account for 60% of the final
score; an oral presentation of the project will account for the remaining 40%.
SANTOS, Maria de Lourdes Lima dos (Coord.) (1995). Cultura & Economia. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.
SILVA, Augusto Santos (2000). Cultura e Desenvolvimento. Estudos sobre a relação entre ser e agir. Porto: Edições Afrontamento.
PAIS, José Machado; SANTOS, Maria de Lourdes Lima dos (Orgs.) (2010). Novos Trilhos Culturais. Práticas e Políticas. Lisboa:
Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.
AAVV (2004). Públicos da Cultura. Lisboa: Observatório das Atividades Culturais.
BOURDIEU, Pierre (2001). O Poder Simbólico. Lisboa: Difel.
CUCHE, Denys (1999). A Noção de Cultura nas Ciências Sociais. Bauru, São Paulo: EDUSC.
HALBWACHS, Maurice (1990 [1950]). A Memória Coletiva. São Paulo: Edições Vértice.
LOPES, João Teixeira (2000). ¿Itinerário teórico em torno da produção dos fenómenos simbólicos¿. Sociologia ¿ Revista da
Faculdade de Letras do Porto, n.º 10, pp. 27-78.
LOPES, João Teixeira (2007). Da Democratização Cultural à Democracia Cultural. Uma reflexão sobre políticas culturais e espaço
público. Porto: Profedições.
PERALTA, Elsa; ANICO, Marta (Orgs.) (2006). Patrimónios e Identidades. Ficções contemporâneas. Oeiras: Celta Editora.
PINTO, José Madureira (1991). ¿Considerações sobre a produção social de identidade¿. Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, n.º
32, pp. 217-231.
PORTELA, José; CALDAS, João Castro (Orgs.) (2003). Portugal Chão. Oeiras: Celta Editora.
SANTOS, Maria de Lourdes Lima dos (1988). ¿Questionamento à volta de três noções (a grande cultura, a cultura popular, a
cultura de massas)¿. Análise Social, vol. XXIV (101-102), pp. 689-702.
SANTOS, Maria de Lourdes Lima dos (Coord.) (1998). As Políticas Culturais em Portugal. Lisboa: Observatório das Atividades
SILVA, Augusto Santos (1994). Tempos Cruzados. Um estudo interpretativo da cultura popular. Porto: Edições Afrontamento.
SILVA, Augusto Santos (1997). ¿Cultura: das obrigações do Estado à participação civil¿. Sociologia ¿ Problemas e Práticas, n.º
23, pp. 37-48.
SILVA, Augusto Santos (2007). ¿Como abordar as políticas culturais autárquicas? Uma hipótese de roteiro¿. Sociologia ¿
Problemas e Práticas, n.º 54, pp. 11-33.
SPER (1994). O Desenvolvimento Local é Possível?. Lisboa: Edição da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estudos Rurais.
WACQUANT, Loïc (2004). ¿Esclarecer o habitus¿. Sociologia ¿ Revista da Faculdade de Letras do Porto, n.º 14, pp. 35-41.
Throughout the Unit¿s sessions, additional relevant references will be suggested.
Programme authorship with João Pedro Queirós.
Doutor Luís Rothes
Porto, 1 de Outubro de 2012

ECTS - Escola Superior de Educação Degree: Social - EU-IPP