Laura Machado de Mello Bueno PUC Campinas
Research group Water in urban environment
Environmental problems, climate change and social justice
2009 – ANPUR Congress - discussion about cities and Policy for CC
Projeto Clima, Rede Clima (several themes) sub rede Cidades – 2009
(national group researchers - human dimension of GC)
Research (2010-2013) –Adaptation to Climate Change and
environmental justice: potentials and conflicts in the urban
environment .
Institutional frame - CC and Cities
Dinamics of real estate – housing price in up graded slums
How planners think of sustainable urban space (in different
21 285 in 8 500 000 km2
Urban population
Total inhabitants of
the group
More than 400 000
50 144 774
6 887
100 000 a 400 000
31 452 272
4 560
5 000 a 100 000
50 256 905
8 810
6 460 008
1 029
137 953 959
21 285
Less than 5 000
Área (km2)
Fonte :MIRANDA et all; dados Básicos IBGE 2000 Resultados do Universo 2003;
EMBRAPA Geoprocessamento Campinas, SP
How policies related to minimization of Vulnerabilities
and Adaptation could help solving the problems that our
cities already have?
Housing, sanitation, trnsportation
Contamination, polution
Health and city life (stress, food, drugs, violence)
Climate Change – a global question - international
policy of the country.
Environment, Science and Technology
and Cities.
Estado brasileiro: bem estar e deixa
estar social (Whitaker, 2006)
1980s – Towards the minimum State
Privatizations, deregulations, concessions, regulatory
Closing of departments, no reposition of retired
public servants, low wages to public sector jobs,
política salarial desvalorizadora do emprego no
setor, lack of investment in technical and operational
structure .
Slowing of this policy since 2003.
Estrutura institucional federal MC e
Meio urbano
Meio ambiente
Ciência e Tecnologia
1976 lei de parcelamento
1974 - SEMA
1975- SNDCT (MPlan)
1988 artigos 182 e 183
1981 Lei PNMA
1985 MCT (1989/1992)
2001 Estatuto das Cidades
1981 Res. CONAMA 1
2003 Ministério das Cidades
1988 capítulo MA
1999 Comissao inteministerial
2005 Lei FNHIS
1989 IBAMA (IBDF et)
Papel na elaboraçao MDL
2009 Lei MCMV
1992 MMA
Aprovaçao projetos MDLs
1997 Lei Aguas
Elaboração Inventário
Emissoes e Remoçoes
Antrópicas dos GEE
2005 Lei Saneamento
(regulamentaçao – 2010)
2010 Lei Resíduos Sólidos
2007 criaçao SMCQ e
The cities and CC in the Brazilian
Estatuto das Cidades - 2001
Cidade Sustentável
Área urbana e rural, ZEIM, ZEIS
Instrumentos via Plano Diretor
Funçao social da ppdde – definiçao local
Não faz mençao a regiao metropolitana
Estudo ambiental ainda entendido como atraso no
cronograma/ licenciamento ambiental (federal e
estadual) impede p PAC social, mas não PAC canalizaçao
corregos, avenidas e estradas
Lei Programa Minha Casa
Minha Vida 2009
Não faz mençao a saneamento ambiental na
localizacao/execuçao; último artigo autoriza uso de $
para aquecimento solar até 6 sm.
Lei Nacional de Resíduos
Sólidos - 2010
Indica produçao energética vinculada ao manejo
não cita EMISSOES e MDL
CC Brazilian policies and the cities
PNMC – National Plan for Climate Change – 2009
main goals (Ministery of environment):
 Reduction
of deforestation of Amazon Region
 Increase of etanol consume
 Increase of planted forests
 Refrigerators –change of 1 million in 10 years
 Increase of garbage in 20% till 2015
 Increase of co-generated energy
 Reduction of non technical loss of energy
CC and CITIES (2):
Fund – 2009 – 60% financed by oil taxes.
Policy – 2009 – Sectoral plans, CDM - Clean Development
Mechanism e NAMAS – Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions
Sectoral plans :
Prevention and control of Amazon and Cerrado
 Energy
 Agriculture and livestock
 Substitution of coal of natural forests to planted forests in
siderurgic plants
 Other proposals – after the ongoing inventory
CC and CITIES (3):
prevalence of segmented and sector-wise views,
including those related to environmental and climate
change policies
Emissions Inventory (IPCC methodology):
 By industrial sector and transportation
 Emissions not located – rural or urban space.

National policy on climate change and cities – A Brazilian perspective