Area of Periodontics (MSc, PhD)
- Periodontal anatomy
- Etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal diseases: clinical diagnosis,
microbiological and immunological aspects
- Classification and epidemiology of periodontal diseases: 1999 AAP's
classification, systemic influences, susceptibility to periodontal diseases
- Treatment plan, prognosis and re-evaluation after cause-related therapy
- Cause-related therapy: principles, objectives, instrumentation and expected
- Surgical techniques: gengivectomy/gengivoplasty, types of periodontal flaps,
resective and regenerative surgeries: basic principles and indications
- Mucogingival problems: type of defects and mocogingival anatomic
conditions/implications, surgical techniques and their indications
- Maintenance and control of the periodontally-treated patient: concept of disease
activity and clinical stability, biological basis, risk assessment and procedures
Practical test (area of Periodontics)
- Master of Science (MSc) course
- Periodontal instruments and instrumentation principles (manual scaling
on a mannequin
- Clinical diagnosis: based on clinical images and history
- Doctorate (PhD) course
- Critical assessment / elaboration of an experimental design based on a
proposed hypothesis (choice of clinical, pre-clinical studies or in vitro research)
Recommended literature (area of Periodontics)*
*Similar textbooks in English or other languages are acceptable. For nonportuguese speaking applicants tests will be in English
- Carranza - Periodontia Clínica - 11ª Ed. 2012 - Newman, Michael G., Takei,
Henry H.; Klokkevold, Perry R; Carranza Jr, Fermin A. Elsevier Saunders. ISBN:
9788535245400 (*Edições 10 e 12 também são indicadas)
- Periodontia clínica e Implantodontia. 5ª Edição - 2010 - Lindhe, J; Lang N;
Karring T.. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan.
Area of Endodontics (MSc, PhD)
- Anatomical aspects of the pulp chamber and pulp chamber access surgery
- Endodontic microbiology and disinfection of the root canal system
- Radiographical aspects applied to Endodontics
- Root canal instrumentation: manual and
instrumentation, Physical and Chemical adjuncts
- Intracanal medication during endodontic treatment
- Root filling materials and techniques
- Diagnosis of pulpal and periapical pathological changes
- Pulp biology and coservative treatment of the pulp
- Therapeutics in Endodontics
- Accidents and complications in Endodontics
- Endo-Periodontal interrelationships
- Endodontic emergencies
- Endodontic treatment of teeth with imcomplete rizogenesis
- General considerations on paraendodontic / endodontic surgeries
Practical test (area of Endodontics)
- Master of Science (MSc) course
- Instruments and organization of the operatory table
- Access surgery and concentional instrumentation of the root canal
- Doctorate (PhD) course
- Critical assessment / elaboration of an experimental design based on a
proposed hypothesis (choice of clinical, pre-clinical studies or in vitro research)
Recommended literature (area of Endodontics)*
*Similar textbooks in English or other languages are acceptable. For nonportuguese speaking applicants tests will be in English
- LEONARDO, M.R. Endodontia. Tratamento de canais radiculares - princípios
técnicos e biológicos. Volumes 1 e 2 . Artes Médicas, São Paulo, 2005, 1491 p.
- LEONARDO, M.R.; LEONARDO, R. T. Sistemas rotatórios em endodontia.
Instrumentos de níquel titânio. Artes Médicas: São Paulo, 2002, 323 p.
- LEONARDO, M.R.; LEONARDO, R. T. Endodontia. Conceitos biológicos e
recursos tecnológicos. Artes Médicas: São Paulo, 2009, 616 p.
- LEONARDO, M.R.; LEONARDO, R. T. Sistemas rotatórios em endodontia.
Tratamento de Canais radiculares - Avanços Tecnológicos de uma Endodontia
Minimamente Invasiva e Reparadora. Artes Médicas: São Paulo, 2012, 472p.
- ANDRADE, E.D. Terapêutica m edicam entosa em odontologia. São
Paulo: 3. Ed. Artes Médicas, 2014.
- COHEN, S.; HARGREAVES K.M. Caminhos da polpa. 10. ed., Mosby Elsevier,
- ESTRELA C. Métodos e técnicas de ensino. IN: ESTRELA, C. Metodologia
científica. Ciência, ensino e pesquisa. 2ª ed. São Paulo: Artes Médicas, 2005.
LOPES HP; SIQUEIRA JF. Endodontia – biologia e técnica. 4. ed. Guanabara
Koogan: Rio de Janeiro, 2015.
- TORABINEJAD, M.; WALTON, R. E. Endodontia – Principios e prática. 4.ed.
Elsevier., 2010.
Area of Implant Dentistry (only Doctorate course)
- Dental implantes - biological basis
- Biomaterials - Concepts, biological/rational basis for their use, biological basis
for bone regenerative techniques (bone augmentation)
- Advanced techniques for tissue reconstruction in Implant dentistry
- Periodontal and Peri-implant diseases: concept, diagnosis, classification
- Etiology and Pathogenesis of periodontal and peri-implant diseases:
microbiological and immunological aspects
- Periodontal and Peri-implant diseases: risk factors and biological mechanisms
- Influence of systemic conditions on periodontal and peri-implant tissues
Practical test (area of Implant dentistry)
- Scientific mathodology - experimental design and methodological concepts
- Preparation of an abstract from a paper, following the provided guidelines
regarding content and lenght
- Critical assessment / elaboration of an experimental design based on a
proposed hypothesis (choice of clinical, pre-clinical studies or in vitro research)
Recommended literature (area of Implant dentistry)*
*Similar textbooks in English or other languages are acceptable. For nonportuguese speaking applicants tests will be in English
- Lindhe, J; Lang N; Karring T. Periodontia clínica e Implantodontia. 5ª Edição.
Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2010.
- Misch C. Implantes dentais contemporâneos. 3ª Edição. São Paulo: Elselvier,
- Estrela, C. Metodologia Científica. Ciência, ensino e pesquisa. Sao Paulo:
Artes Médicas, 2005.
Area of Craniofacial Biology and Biomaterials (will
be re-named 'Biosciences, Biomaterials and
Forensic Sciences ')
The applicants in this area must elect and choose TWO (2) of the following subareas (Pathology/Immunology, Microbiology, Genetics/Cell Biology, Biomaterials,
Forensic Sciences) answer te questions and indicate their choice of sub-areas on
the test itself.
- Pathology / Immunology
- Cellular adaptation, damage and death
- Inflammation and repair
- Diseases of the Immune system
- Genetic diseases
- Environmental diseases
- Microbiology
- General concepts in Microbiology
– Microbial biofilms
- Genetics / Cell biology
- Basic concepts of genetics and cell biology
- The human genome: genetic structure and function
– Genetic variation in individuals and populations: mutations and polymorphisms
- Biomaterials
- Basic concepts of Material Science
- Techniques for the characterization of materials
- Metallic materials – Science and application as biomaterials
- Ceramic materials – Science and application as biomaterials
- Polymeric materials – Science and application as biomaterials
- Composites – Science and application as biomaterials
- Biodegradable polymers
- Surface modification on biomaterials
- Forensic Sciences
- Expert examination and examiners
- Identity, identification and reconhecimento
- Forensic Traumatology. Energy, lesions and the instruments/agents associated
- Forensic Antropology. Estimating age, gender, height and race/ancestry
- Forensic facial reconstruction. Concept, approaches and methods
- Bioethics. Principles and major issues.
- Responsabilidade profissional civil, penal e ética do médico e do cirurgiãodentista.
- Palatal rugosity and bite analylsis
- Forensic ballistics – Entry and exit wounds.
- Informed consent forms in medical, dental procedures and in clinical research
Recommended literature (area of Implant dentistry)*
*Similar textbooks in English or other languages are acceptable. For nonportuguese speaking applicants tests will be in English
- ROBBINS & CONTRAN – Bases Patológicas das Doenças. Editora Elsevier, 9ª
ed., Rio de Janeiro, 2013.
- SPOLIDORIO D.M.P. & DUQUE C. Microbiologia e Imunologia Geral e
Odontológica - Vol. 1 e 2 – Ed Artes Médicas, 2013
- TORTORA G. J. et al. Microbiologia. 10 ed., Ed Artmed, 2012.
THOMPSON, Genética Médica. 7a. ed., Editora Elsevier , Rio de Janeiro, 2008.
- Biomateriais, Fundamentos e Aplicações, R.L. Oréfice, M.M. Pereira, H.S.
Mansur, 1a Ed. Cultura Médica, 2006.
- Biomaterials Science, B. D. Ratner, A. S. Hoffman, F. J. Schoene J.E. Lemons,
Elsevier, 2nd Ed. 2004.
- Fernandes CMS. Análise das reconstruções faciais forenses digitais
caracterizadas utilizando padrões de medidas lineares de tecidos moles da
face de brasileiros e estrangeiros [Tese] São Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia,
Universidade de são Paulo, 2010.
- Fernandes CMS, Scarso Filho J, Sant’Ana E, Vasconcellos RJH, Genú PR,
Scolozzi P, Serra MC. Termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido em
odontologia: aspectos éticos, legais e bioéticos envolvidos. In: Pinto T,
Vasconcellos RJH, Prado R (Orgs) Pro-Odonto Cirurgia. Ciclo 8, Vol 4. Porto
Alegre: Artmed Panamericana; 2015. p. 9-47 .
- França GV. Medicina Legal. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 10ª ed. 2015.
- França GV. Direito Médico. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 12ª ed. 2014.
- Miranda LI. Balística Forense – Do Criminalista ao Legista. Rio de Janeiro:
Rubio, 2014.
- Ramos DLP. Bioética & Ética Profissional. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan,
- Serra MC, Scarso Filho J, Sant’Ana E, Vasconcellos RJH, Genú PR,
Fernandes CMS. Documentação odontológica e responsabilidade profissional.
In: Pinto T, Vasconcellos RJH, Prado R (Orgs). Pro-Odonto Cirurgia. Ciclo 8,
Vol 3. Porto Alegre: Artmed Panamericana; 2014. p. 127-58.
- Silva M. Compêndio de Odontologia Legal. São Paulo: Medsi, 1997.
- Vanrell JP Odontologia Legal & Antropologia Forense. Rio de Janeiro:
Guanabara Koogan, 2ª ed. 2009.

See - Faculdade de Odontologia