“Brazil and the Cold War in Latin America:
New Research and New Sources”
The President’s Saloon, 12th Floor
190, Praia de Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro
Monday, 27 September
Coffee, Welcome and Opening Remarks
Panel 1: Brazil and the Inter-American System in the 1950s and the early 1960s
Chair: Matias Spektor
• Eduardo Munhoz Svartman (UPF), “Relações entre os Exércitos do Brasil e dos
Estados Unidos: da II Guerra Mundial à Guerra Fria”.
• Raquel Paz Dos Santos, (IFCS-UFRJ), “As Visões do Brasil sobre a Argentina:
Peronismo e diplomacia no contexto da Guerra Fria (1951-1954)”.
Renato Petrocchi (PUC-Rio & Escola de Guerra Naval), “A Coexistência
Competitiva de San Tiago Dantas: A Busca de uma autonomia aquém e além da
Guerra Fria”.
Carlos Domínguez, “A Crise dos Mísseis soviéticos em Cuba (1962): um estudo
com fontes brasileiras”.
Discussant: TBC
Buffet lunch
Panel 2: Brazil, the United States and the Cold War in the 1960s and 1970s
Chair: Tanya Harmer
Georges Landau (CSIS/FAAP), “Brazil and the Cold War in Latin America:
Reform to Prevent Revolution.”
Simona Losito, (IMT Lucca) “Human Rights Diplomacy: The Relationship
between the United States and Brazil during the Carter Presidency.”
Elizabeth Cancelli (USP), “O Ilari e a Guerra Fria: a criação de agendas políticas e
intelectuais na América Latina.”
Fernado Purcell (PUC-Chile) & Celcilia Azevedo (PUC-Rio), “From Local to
Global Encounters: The United States Peace Corps Volunteers in Brazil and
South America.”
Discussant: Matias Spektor (CPDOC-FGV)
Panel 3: Eye Witnesses’ Roundtable (final list of names TBC)
We will meet up at the foyer, Everest Park Hotel (Rua Maria Quitéria, 19, Ipanema), and
walk to a bar nearby for drinks and food.
Tuesday, 28 September
Panel 4: The Brazilian Coup and its impact on Latin America
Chair: Leslie Bethell
• Marcelo Casals Ayara (PUC-Chile), “Los anticomunismos latinoamericanos. El
golpe de estado brasileño y su impacto en la campaña presidencial chilena de
• Danilo Marcondes de Souza Neto (PUC-Rio), “The Cold War and Intervention in
Latin America: Brazilian Involvement in the Inter-American Peace Force (IPF) in
the Dominican Republic, 1965-1966.”.
Tanya Harmer (LSE), “Brazil, Chile and the Inter-American Cold War, 19701975”.
Discussant: Alfredo Riquelme (PUC-Chile)
Buffet lunch
Panel 5: Intelligence, Nuclear Power and the Cold War in Latin America
Chair: Arne Westad
Roberto Garcia Ferreira (Universidad de la Republica-Montevideo), “Uruguay’s
Intelligence Services and the Cold War in Latin America.”
Pio Penna Filho (UnB), “Os Documentos do Centro de Informações do Exterior
(CIEX) e a Guerra Fria: Análise Documental de Noves Fontes.”
Carlo Patti (University of Florence), “Brazil and the opposition to the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty (1967 – 1975)”.
Fabrício Henricco Chagas Bastos (USP), “Aproximções Geopolíticas durante a
Guerra Fria: Alinhamentos Estratégicos nas Relações Sul-Sul.”
Discussant: Tatiana Coutto (CPDOC-FGV)
Panel 6: Brazil, the Third World and the Global Cold War
Chair: Matias Spektor
• Tobias Rupprecht (European University Institute) “Courting the South in the Cold
War. Soviet Cultural Diplomacy in Brazil, 1954 – 1964”
Todd Shepard (Johns Hopkins University), “The Modernizing Mind”: French
Reliance on Brazilian and Mexican “Racial” Models and “Indigenous” Policies to
Keep Algeria French—and build a “Latino-European-Arab Bloc” 1954-1962”.
Bernando Kocher (UFF), “O Brasil no Terceiro Mundo. Uma Abordagem Sobre
a Política Externa e o Desenvolvimento Econômico Brasileiro Durante a Guerra
Discussant: Arne Westad (LSE)

“Brazil and the Cold War in Latin America: New Research and New