Dra. Alice Ramos
PhD in Social Sciencies, Sociology, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de
Current position
Research Fellow, Instituto de Ciências Sociais-UL.
Selected professional activities
Member of the Portuguese Executive Committee of the International Social Survey
Programme (ISSP) of the European Values Study (EVS) and of the European Social
Survey (ESS).
Associated member of the Methodology Group of ISSP and EVS
Member of the Non-response Expert Group of ESS
Research Interests
Social values, prejudice and discrimination. Attitudes towards immigrants and
Methodology of cross-national studies: survey techniques; questionnaire design and
testing; statistical techniques of comparative and longitudinal data analysis.
Relevant publications
Schwartz, Shalom H., Jan Cieciuch, Michele Vecchione, Eldad Davidov, Ronald
Fischer, Constanze Beierlein, Alice Ramos, MarkkuVerkasalo, Jan-Erik Lönnqvist,
Kursad Demirutku, Ozlem Dirilen-Gumus, and Mark Konty (2012). Refining the
theory of basic individual values. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 103
(4): 663-688.
Ramos, Alice, Jorge Vala (2009). Predicting Opposition towards Immigration:
Economic Resources, Social Resources and Moral Principles.In A.Gari & K.
Mylonas (Eds.) Quod Erat Demonstrandum: From Herodotus' Ethnographic
Journeys to Cross-Cultural Research. Athens: Pedio Books Publishing.
Vala, Jorge, Alice Ramos, Cícero Pereira (2008) Oposição a políticas anti-racistas na
Europa: factores individuais e sócio-estruturais [Opposition to anti-racist policies in
Europe: individual and socioeconomic factors]. In M.V.Cabral, K.Wall, S. Aboim &
F.C.Silva (Orgs.) Itinerários-A investigação nos 25 anos do ICS, Lisboa: Imprensa
de Ciências Sociais, pp 257-281
Ramos, Alice (2006) Social values dynamics and socio-economic development.
Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 5(1): 5-33.
Vala, Jorge, Cícero Pereira, Alice Ramos (2006). Racial prejudice, threat perception
and opposition to immigration: a comparative analysis. Portuguese Journal of
Social Science, 5(2): 119-140.

Dra. Alice Ramos Education PhD in Social Sciencies, Sociology